The character portraits in this game's cutscenes are funny as fuck I don't even know why

Game is called Remember Me
Most people forgot about it

Definitely one of the video games ever created.

You must remember this, Cow Cow! I shall oppose you forever... and don't forGIT IT!

DW7 might have the better overall story mode and DW8 might have better mechanics, but to be honest I find myself going back to this one a lot more than any other DW game, it just hits differently.

The Baldy McNosehair line would be fine, even a little charming to have the aliens coming up with a nickname for Dr. Jim Carrey and all, the problem is that they proceed to go "HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO BALDY MCNOSEHAIR THIS IS THE FUNNY LINE GUYS HAHAHAHAHAHA BALDY MCNOSEHAIR LAUGH, LAUGH IMMEDIATELY" instead of just letting the joke speak for itself.

Still a better game than Unleashed though.

É essa peça que você queria?

I can't believe Avengers Infinity War and Endgame ripped Koei off, how did they get away with this

Well, it's better than Arkham Origins.

Improved on the first game in a handful of ways despite still being somewhat repetitive and trailing missions still being boring as hell, also the ending was so fucking shit it soured my opinion on the rest of the game. I mean, it wasn't an extremely positive opinion in the first place, but it made a 7/10 rating drop to a 6.

Deserves a 0.5 bump for being a game that got me with an unintentional jump-scare.

That remix of My Own Summer is fire, not gonna lie

So I trade jumping for being able to lasso and kick people into all kinds of environmental shit? Alright, we have a deal.