Really nice sequel to the previous movie, unfortunately the game that came along with this one sucks too.

I like it, a nice alternative to the Genesis version featuring some cool original levels, but why the fuck did anyone think putting an autoscrolling stage in a Sonic game was okay? Not that autoscrolling is ever okay to begin with, but it's even more egregious in a Sonic game for obvious reasons.

No wonder this has mid in its title

Good battle system and interesting setting, mid everything else. At least it's better than Final Fantasy XIII.

It's a fun and surprisingly in-depth pet simulator, but at the same time I have to admit it did get tiresome to raise a new digimon every time my previous one died, especially when I was just about ready to make some progress in the story.

Kinda sucks that the movesets are weapon-based instead of each character having unique combos and shit, but whatever, DW7 makes up for this somewhat by having one of the best story modes in the series

Bring this to steam you cowards

Imma be honest, I never even touched the main game for this, I just like making/downloading character models and dicking around with them in the studio lol

E os terceiros tão descendo a ladeira
Levando tiro pela perna, pelas costas
E o comando traficando a noite inteira
Que coisa linda! Que coisa maravilhosa!

E os terceiros tão de brincadeira
E eles querem invadir o morrão
Mas eu do tiro na cabeça, na cintura
Também dou tiro na bunda dos terceiro vacilão
E os terceiro bando de filha da puta
Um bando de sangue-suga
São um bando de cuzão

A major improvement over the previous Bubsy games

Not sure what's Ultimate about this, but whatever, at least it has pretty visuals

One of the funniest games I've ever played, would rate 5 stars if it was meant to be a comedy