Well, it has a pretty cool instrumental version of the anime's first opening song playing in the title screen.

That's enough! UNBEATABLE!

Boss fights are kinda shit, but the stages offer a fantastic blend of the open-ended design of Genesis era Sonic and the visual spectacle of the 3D titles and you can use the momentum-based movement and physics to find a lot of fun ways of going from point A to point B. Some people said they got lost in this game's stages, but I honestly didn't have that issue aside from halfway through Hill Top, but for the most part the game has a pretty decent sense of direction.

While I appreciate the new characters, the new battles and that banger of a soundtrack, everything else is a major downgrade from the previous game, especially the allied AI. Jesus, what the hell did they do to my army? Even though I do all the missions in order to keep morale high, these dumb motherfuckers still keep falling like a stack of dominos for no reason at all. Was it so hard to just copy SW2's morality system and paste into this one? Holy shit, guys.

Thank you for all the months of sleep deprivation, guys!

I mean, I'll give this game credit where it's due: It has a great art direction and it actually sorta did the whole zandatsu thing before Metal Gear Rising... Yeah, that's about it.

At least seeing the guys from retsupurae reading the creepypasta was hilarious

Damn I miss retsupurae

>no jumping
>no way to defend yourself upon being found
>no manual save system
>checkpoints are ridiculously far apart from one another
Haha no thanks.

Really good movie, which is why I'd rate it a 3.5 or 4.0 at letterboxd instead of a 2.5 here, where I have to take the game part into consideration.

Imagine playing the game in a significantly less fun way where most of your tools and powers are rendered pointless just for a good ending that isn't even all that satisfying to achieve.

This post was made by the High Chaos gang.

The biggest bait I ever took was buying this because people told me it was a better Budokai 3.

Best soundtrack in the series

The character portraits in this game's cutscenes are funny as fuck I don't even know why

Game is called Remember Me
Most people forgot about it