Not a crazy game so I won't give it higher than this but extremely well made, and for what it was I enjoyed it alot. More focused on character interactions and their stories

This.. was not a bad game tbh. I'm surprised it was pretty good for what it was, especially the ds version

Not a crazy game but it had a crap ton of content and the graphics for a ds game were honestly really solid. I enjoyed this game alot as a kid. I remember getting it after playing the wii version of this game at my neighbor's house, who I got in fights with alot hahahaha

I have such good memories playing with this game. Little did I know as a kid that this game would be what got me into the zelda franchise or how fun this game I got on a whim for my brithday would turn out to be since there were no new pokemon games when I was in 6th grade

"thE N64 VerRsIoN iS So MuCH BetTer" Yea alright bro maybe if you took off the nostalgia goggles you'd realize this is by far the most accessible version of the game. And no, I don't think the game's textures being muddy in the n64 version made the 'aesthetic' in that game better. This is a way more polished and refined version of probably my favorite zelda game, and I highly recommend it to anyone who liked ocarina of time

Overrated game I don't really care what anyone else has to say! People talk about how edgy and different this game is but it's literally just the opening cutscene that really feels like that.. Rest of the game is just battle after battle after battle without the fun that came with exploring a ton of different areas and dungeons in mainline pokemon. Meh

Nothing crazy honestly, I definitely couldn't play this game today but I thought it was fun when it first came out. Even as a kid I didn't think this game was super crazy or anything. What makes this game of note to me is that it's one of the last memories I had with my dad

This is like the inverse of shadows of almia where the story takes a few hits but there's just alot more content in general. I thought the arceus palace was really cool and I LOVED the guardian signs. My phone password to this day is one of the guardian signs hahahaha

Hot take but I'm not super crazy about this one, but the final boss is really cool. I know this one has the best story of the three but even then hmmm.. The tears arc was really cool though, I think the game gets way better torwards the end

The story in this one was pretty weak but the game had a really fun and light hearted aesthetic I thought was fun

I'm not huge on tactical rpgs or this style of gameplay but I wonder why nobody knows about this game? Feel like given the story and setting it'd b more popular but idk

Story mode is mid but I spent hours on the battle / co-op mode... I remember being stuck in story mode for such a long time as a kid but I somehow got the true ending

This game so cool bro, I feel like metroid is so slept on compared to nintendo's other franchises. This was also my first introduction to 2d metroid

I played this before I played explorers of sky, what I said about that game applies here but this game just has less content. There is no reason to play this over explorers of sky

Better version of the original with the boss battles specifically seeing a pretty big face lift. Fun game and the new eight member team gimmick was pretty fun to mess around with