This game franchise was so cool when I was a kid, I remember playing it with kids from boyscouts and elementary school but from a game quality perspective it wasn't anything fantastic.

This game franchise was so cool when I was a kid, I remember playing it with kids from boyscouts and elementary school but from a game quality perspective it wasn't anything fantastic.

This game franchise was so cool when I was a kid, I remember playing it with kids from boyscouts and elementary school but from a game quality perspective it wasn't anything fantastic.

I wanted this game to be so good that for a long time I lied to myself and said it was.... this game definitly wasn't.

These games are always worth playing especially smash tv and rampart.

original Xbox version, this game is tons of fun I digged the barbarian I think I only beat this twice the second time with Drizzt.

I beat this a couple times solo and with the wife, its a good hack and slash taking the torch from gauntlet kicking and screaming before dropping it after dark alliance II.

poker mechanics were decent enough I didn't play this game often but when I did it was for hours while my step father drank.

outdated and skippable, older games in the franchise don't have much value as newer systems are just so much better.

I actually really loved being able to play MK2 anywhere on this thing some of these classics are crazy fun.

The game is fun but its not rampage world tour nuff said.

This is one of those time that putting a bunch of games together actually works out, I mainly played this version for the spinball but the mean bean machine was fun too.

The PS2 era tenchu games were on point and this one was not an exception the character Ayame was my favorite and really carried the series this era.

The PS2 era tenchu games were on point and this one was not an exception the character Ayame was my favorite and really carried the series this era.

Back when I was young I did like golfing and this game was a cool way to get a better understanding of the game when I couldn't afford to play. but I imagine you could play any of them and they are all the same.