was a fun little time waster game to play in class but not a first dozen pick.

I didn't understand this game but it was really that good, chopping grass woot.

Okay there are some issues with the game but at least the cartridge was banana yellow.

One Piece bias? sure
Turn Based bias? yeah
Double Times Speed bias? definitly
sure i'm biased but this game was pretty dope.

It was forgettable but fun so I recommend it to anyone who has 8 hours and likes a decent story, I did the true ending.

Game is cool but has some serious design flaws I hope they fix in Dragon quest builders III.

Took me about 20 years to finally play this game and it lived up to my childhood expectations, take that for what you will.

a slog to get through, don't know what it is worth I did like the ending in a vacuum.

couldn't get into it, moved on won't come back.

The combo was cool but the glow up didn't make the game better it just removed the nostalgia. I think this is one of those games where ya just say "you had to be there" then move on.

I love One Piece but this ain't it chief.

This game is fun for a bit but doesn't feel like much is here to offer outside of the competitive side so it didn't last long in our household.

On the one hand you can play as One Piece Characters, on the other hand it's not that good and it didn't have that anime crossover feel probably would have been better if it leaned less on the 3d and more on the 2d/comic 3d look.

I just love goofing off in fighting games, they don't have to be great to be fun.