I don't know why they made this a yearly series there was no real reason.

This game is kinda like something that only people dumb enough to buy it back in the day remember these days. may as well stay that way.

I do think this game was awesome since it had MM6 and 8 but the menu left alot to be desired, its okay but there are probably better entry point for these games.

I thought this franchise was super cool so I bout this game at the local gamestop, they put a twisted metal black online disk inside, needless to say I didn't get to experience this game :(

this game oozed cool, I'd play it again to kick the riddler's butt

Had this game as a kid, didn't understand it at all and today wonder if I should dip back into the newer total war games, but remember that I just didn't get this game play.

This game was super hard and super cool.

At times I wanted to like this game at other times I forgot it existed, this is back when renting a bad game still meant it was the only game you could play so you had to try and enjoy it, by the standards today this game isn't worth chugging unless you're on a hard N64 kick.

Thankfully Twisted metal 2 came out immediately afterwards.

This game really isn't as good as we all wanted it to be.


Its been forever since I've played this but the game looks great and gambit is the best.

neat idea, poor execution this is back when the cover art had to look awesome to sell the game, but the game could suck.

This game was a blast back in the day, lets be real its not now.

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I get that this is a game but with the nostalgia goggles off its too rudimentary.