Good multiplayer game to have fun with friends. With randoms, not so much.

Bad things:
Gameplay gets very fucking repetitive after ~50 hours though, the rest is pure grind.
1iq teammates and hypercarries that speedrun the mission leaving you in the dust
Lack of much customization. Sure, you can change your MC and name of your ship something like Fist of Family Values, King of Democracy etc etc, but.. that's about it really
Occasional input lag on KB+M due to the game being made for consoles (will probably get fixed in later patches)

Good things:
Great optimization
Gunplay, you can call orbital lazers, napalm and nukes on le enemy
General vibe, this game doesn't let you feel like you're isolated and instead you fight in something global akin to the ancient korean MMORPGs with constant clan wars (Only that it's PvE). But you can still go solo if you want to be an antisocial incel even in your vidya gayms, you're given the tools to do so.
Not many game-breaking bugs.
Attempt at variety, you have 2 active combat fronts at all times. If you're sick of slaughtering braindead melee-focused bugs, it's time for you to go on the Western Front and live through space Vietnam against tanks, gunships, mortar fire and enemy artillery.

Fantastic mod that rivals some AAA games in quality: doesn't exactly conflict with the lore, weaving itself in instead, filling in the holes that were left by original half life
Main complaint is that the protagonist is an edgy IMNOTLIKEEVERYONEELSE tard and his talking & the fact that he's essentially a mary sue can be a bit annoying but it's tolerable enough. Feels slightly campy due to the inclusion of Race X (which was unnecessary) but meh, can't make an omelette if you don't break some eggs
Very good game mechanics, I've enjoyed playing around with xen grenades and MP5, action sequences are great and don't feel stupid, I've felt fully immersed. Almost impossible to get lost, game design is great albeit contains multiple non-gamebreaking bugs, such as: Wounded combine soldier not picking up the gun, requiring multiple saves/reloads to do so and the black turret named Wilson being a piece of shit that can fling you into the sky or 10 meters away from him if you're not careful with standing next to him.
Who is Wilson? TL:DR upgraded, talking Garden Gnome from HL2EP2. Be sure to carry him around: he can access multiple interfaces scattered throughout the game after few first chapter, which lead to supplies.
Should've had more content but i'm not complaining, it's a mod made by less than 10 people (with 5 of them being voice actors) without being paid.
Takes approximately 8 hours to complete.

expensive but great for people with autism
gorillion mods can turn your game into everything starting with organ harvesting operation and ending with nuclear sex slave state or even 4x strategy depending on your tastes

good autistic game to reset your sleep schedule
paradox interactive multiplayer is unimaginably bad, as always
paradox interactive DLCs are plentiful and pricey, as always

Sounds good, doesn't work
99% of content is locked behind a paywall

>get killed by a child with better gear
I don't know why i wasted ~600 hours of my life on this piece of shit as a child

bushes shooting at you and killing you simulator
game that makes you realize that you won't last even an hour in a real war
fun if you have a party of friends with you
DLCs are crackable via DLC unlocker
many mods, I personally recommend Antistasi which is essentially rebel simulator where you steal ammo trucks, conduct ambushes, capture villages with population of 3 people and get shelled with white phosphorus and helicopter death squads
absolutely dogshit optimization, almost impossible to play without heavy modifications

soul valve game
dogshit fanbase

unbalanced dogshit
no real struggle, 99% of the games you either get carried by hardstuck smurfs or get BTFO so hard you can't win
most of your comrades, coworkers, teammates, down syndrome support group, special ed class (whatever you wanna call it) are absolutely braindead apes that will ignore any of your pings and then blame you for their misplays
hard to play non-dogshit roles because; queue times are insane and usually your opponent wont be a fellow noob
Insane moderation that will permaban your account for swearing, but IP/hardware bans are non-existent (owner of 30 accounts here)
More addictive than crack and you can relapse even after years of being clean
if you want to kill yourself: play it, this game will give you all the motivation
>inb4 peak
>inb4 role

Waste of great world building and art direction

great schizoid stealth game, intense violence and fights for survival
gunplay is rather dogshit and it has some compatibility issues with the newer systems IIRC

Good to have fun with friends
only game that pulled off non-predatory battle passes that allow you to earn in-game currency (with profit) and purchase newer ones without paying money again
most of the skins are dogshit but redditoids love the idea of playing as spider man fighting dr strange or something
game gets a partial rework every year with new weapons, abilities, seasons are hit or miss, some are oversaturated dogshit, some are rather balanced and some are just uninteresting boring shit
Do not play solo unless you are willing to tryhard, random adolescent teammates with sounds of extreme domestic abuse in the background that do not know how to use push-to-talk and basic game mechanics will just drag you down
MMR is present just like player bots that pose no threat, existing just to minimize queue times for adhd zoomers

f2p combination of a hero shooter+battle royale, weighs too much: expect battle passes, 8 year old albanian children and no mic NPCs as your teammates and having 3% winrate
>inb4 git gud scrub

great game that was abandoned in favor of slop like apex; multiplayer is not worth it, full of tryhards and hackers

Too good for the amount of DLC it offers
Plagued by hackers and cheaters of all kind just like TF2
Lore is retarded but in a good way, one day you steal shit from 7/11, next day you're rigging votes for a politician and stealing nukes