one time i was playing beerio kart and i smashed a four loko on wario's goldmine then started sobbing in front of my girlfriend

first yakuza game i just plain didn't understand the plot of, though it wasn't even particularly complicated. it felt like all the bad guys at the end were kinda shoehorned in in a weird way??

im cheeks at this game but it's so cool

i cannot fucking stand this shit

came for the compelling gameplay and incredible story, stayed for the booty, yeah, im a real freak, just lmk. xP

what the fuck is happening in this shit

i beat this motherfucker running a max framerate of 25 back in the day

i just kinda don't understand mgs2, i love the story, but the gameplay for some reason just never clicked with me. i don't think it's the game's fault


only true freaks can play this game

i bought this game for no reason in like 5th grade and it's since been a stain in my steam library

didn't go into this one expecting tears.

i actually got the platinum trophy for this lil fella, fun and pretty.

the bangerest of bangers in hack n' slash / beat em' up gaming.