+ Cute game where you can take as long as you need and just enjoy yourself.
+ Relaxing soundtrack.
+ Free on Steam.

- Story is very short but there's a nice drawing of all the characters at the end :)

+ Various story lines to immerse yourself in, albeit of various quality.
+ Large range of loot to increase your Light level (now called Power), with wide graphical customisation options.
+ Intriguing and varied lore to dive into, especially for BrayTech (in my opinion).

- The game is progressively getting worse. As a day 1 player, the journey has been arduous. Bungie is getting greedy and started involving microtransactions (battle pass) whilst also charging a lot of money for expansions which are key to remaining competitive amongst the playerbase.
- On the topic of those expensive expansions, each one shows a lower amount of effort than the last. Forsaken was likely the last good expansion and that was 5 years ago at the time of writing.
- Unfortunately, Destiny 2 is now pay-to-win.

+ An absolute staple of its genre, this murder mystery is full of twists and turns.
+ It's mostly a visual novel so only certain parts have actual gameplay mechanics and as such, it's pretty easy.
+ Catchy intro song and soundtrack throughout.

- Contains potential triggers like blood and death.
- Post-completion side game is grindy if you want all the achievements.
- Limited voice acting, only goes as far as lines like "Huh?!", "Hmm...", etc.

+ Stunning setting in a vibrant dystopian city of the future.
+ Gritty at times and unafraid to highlight how power can corrupt.
+ Good modding support and a community based around it (on Nexus).

- Although now much better compared to launch, CP77 is plagued with bugs, graphical and physical.
- To run this game on a high graphics setting takes an expensive rig. Pure 'n' simple.
- One of THE most hyped-up games ever, so lower your expectations if you don't want to be disappointed.

+ Fully explorable world with graphics that still hold up today (especially if you use overhaul mods).
+ Outstanding range of mods available (I HEAVILY recommend using them, try Nexus) and still a fairly active community today.
+ Interesting lore to collect across the Commonwealth's destroyed facilities, offices and survivor camps.

- It's a Bethesda game so... expect bugs, and lots of them.
- It can get a bit tedious to go to X, talk to Y NPC, fulfil Z objective over and over again.
- Disappointing amount of content in the DLCs.

+ Beautiful game with a fully explorable world that has collectibles
+ Range of sea-life to interact with and learn tidbits about!
+ Intriguing story

- Not good if you have submechanophobia or just a general fear of the deep ocean. This map is PRETTY DEEP and you only realise how deep when you dive back down from the surface.
- Performance issues, namely visual bugs (black voids) and occasional low framerate
- Unexplained story elements, key mechanics/mysteries left unanswered.


+ Aesthetically pleasing dystopia/industrial look
+ Intriguing story and world

- Does have some creepy elements although this might not be a negative for you
- Player controls are a bit clunky
- Had some performance issues like stutters

+ Beautiful 70s aesthetic
+ Truman Show vibes
+ Engaging story with unexpected twists

- Performance issues (microstutters)
- Okay voice acting
- Lack of explanation of certain puzzle sections means you have to retry a LOT