You gotta be iq 260 to play this shit. I remember trying to do something as simple as moving forward and it being more complicated than quantum physics to my 12 year old brain. Certified wii classic tho.

Strip the edgy shit and all you got is a extremely repetitive generic twin stick shooter

I went crazy with this game on just an Xbox controller cuz I was too poor for a guitar

I don't get all the hype. The mechanic is pretty gimmicky and the story is pretty boring.

I remember just hacking in years by moving the calender date to 1970 and back to the current and even then it was a grind. I never really understood the appeal of cookie clicker type games.

Vr chat (the metaverse part) before vr chat with all the weird shit but weirder. I've heard of some wild rabbit holes you can jump down playing this game.

I also remember the ads that would play on TV and as a kid I thought this was so cool and that we were in the future. I mean shit, this was 2003. It wasnt the first, but it was the best in my opinon for the time. Really early idea of a metaverse and that's admirable.

you have to be in the era to really experience this mona lisa of a piece, with the xbox 360 avatars, party chat, and griefing random worlds. doesn't get much better.

in all honesty though, the traveling mechanic is great where the world has a set change according to distance and gets harder through distance.

I love the style of this game. its like you're transported into the comic realm. has a huge effect especially as a kid.

only spiderman game I played lol, but im glad it was this one because after looking at the catalog it doesn't look like im missing out. besides the insomniac ones which is in the backlog.

holy shit, I can't believe I played this and forced myself to play because I spent actual money on this trash

best single player experience any cod has done

out of all cods, this is still my favorite. mainly because of the smooth gameplay and multiplayer. lets not forget, kino der f**kn toten. played it on wii, 360, ps3, and pc.

not a bad game, just not a game for me.

so overrated on release and I hope bloober doesnt f up silent hill. especially after ascension.... please dont kill the franchise

2005 girly glittery pink crude textured japanese frutiger aero backrooms

on christmas we got a gamecube and my sister got this and I would play it because I only had medal of honor so this game is a weird nostalgic vibe for me.