5 stars for the revolutionary legacy alone

This was the revival we needed. Such a nice divergent from the past mid games.

Makes more that much more hopeful for prime 4.

I still prefer the original over this, for just the camera and character movement alone, but also small nitpicks like not being able to kill the merchant, generic megascan assets, not as memorable death screen, the enemy hit animations is a little wonky, and the inventory ui isn't as cool looking to name a few.

To continue my tangent, I think re4 really refined the fun aspect of resident evil and it hasn't been beat yet in terms of that style. Re5 tried but didn't by a pretty far margin.

I'm glad re4 was my first entry in the series. Really set my standards high for games moving forward. The remake was a nice way to relive those memories, even tho the sludgy movement bogged it down.