+ Brilliant detective gameplay that makes every puzzle an incredibly satisfying level of challenge.
+ A story that manages to create a captivating narrative and memorable characters through the use of essentially only static images.

- Slightly repetitive music and the (intentionally?) ugly artwork are the only real negatives.

+ Stunning artwork and animations make exploring the world a joy.
+ Great pacing and sense of exploration without overstaying its welcome or relying on backtracking.

- Some frustrating spikes in difficulty.
- Occasional cases where it's not obvious what the game is asking of the player.

+ Exploring Hogwarts and the surrounding areas in this much beautiful detail is a dream come true for fans of the series.
+ Surprisingly engaging and diverse combat.
+ A seemingly endless amount of customisation and creation options in terms of character, costumes and 'home' space.

- Vanilla characters and a rather dull and predictable story meant I was never really interested in seeing where the narrative lead.
- Does nothing in terms of design to separate itself from many other open-world Action RPGs, with a boring loot system, bombardment of map icons and time-wasting activities that become tedious after a handful of hours.

+ Interesting mix of art styles.

- Too short to really get invested in the story.
- No difficulty or puzzles of any kind make it a game of finding the right thing to click on to move forward.

+ 'Every frame a painting' visual design makes every level a joy to look at and play.
+ Incredibly creative puzzle design.

- Lack of challenge in the majority of puzzles.

+ Beautiful world and character design.
+ Fantastic looking graphics and animations.

- Terrible dialogue and obnoxious main character make any storytelling painful to sit through.
- The intro shows off a beautifully designed world then makes the player play through 5 hours of uninspired underground corridors.
- Once let out into a semi-open world, relentless enemy respawns make any exploration a complete chore.

+ Incredible sense of style and design. The whole world being designed around the beat makes gameplay feel more natural and the levels more immersive.
+ Beautiful graphics and animation style, especially in boss fights and cut-scenes.
+ Characters and dialogue that could easily have been annoying, end up being endearing through fun writing and world-building.

- Some audio tracks are harder to play to than others, and especially during the later bosses frustration can set in when there's too much visual and audio noise to play the game the way it wants you to.