very cool visual style but i found the gameplay boring, just a really generic rpg and not really enough of a story for me to want to get through it (not really a story at all as far as i could tell)
but if youre really into rpgs then i can see how you would like it. clearly a lot of effort went into it so i feel a bit bad rating it this low just because the gameplay isn't for me but hey thats what this website is for baby


its really good when its actually focusing on the mystery and the main story but like most of it is dream world sections which have basically nothing to do with it and didn't interest me at all, and a combat system that i personally could just not get into. sorry

first game i ever played so im very biased

i can't believe they finally remembered that 2d mario games can have personality and charm!!!!! such a fun time

i've never listened to or experienced anything from radiohead before and i feel like i was not properly prepared for this