unironically i only downloaded this bc it was free and leaving the steam store and got fomo lol

bought it for trevor to play and holy fuck is this absolutely terrifying

i'd love to do another run of this game if given the opportunity, it was just so much fun

quick fun. give it a shot and see if you can get that last achievement!

i need to get back to this one, it was fun but i just got bored pretty fast

another silly game, just give it a shot with friends and see how it goes

silly fun from like eighth grade, but i could recommend it now.

THIS IS THE. PLATFORMER. i don't even fucking like platformers. this is the one ladies and gentlemen. the fucking example. take notes. i love everything about this game, this is my game of 2020 100%

100% you need to download this and play with your friends. it's so easy to understand. it's just bomberman online. none of us have ever played bomberman but we all instantly got it and had at least 15 hours of fun for FREE. j give it a shot

i don't even remember why i bought this game but i guess it's here now lol. i have a hard time believing i will ever pick it up again but who knows?

this was j so boring bro. maybe i'll give it another chance but not likely

thank you fletcher for buying this for me but imo this is so boring. j not for me i understand but i don't understand you know?