these games got so boring bro, why did i drop sixty bucks on this. cannot wait for super mario wonder omg bc the NSMB series got so tired

it will take me a long long time to decide if i like this or the original more but despite the controversy i LOVE this game. oh my god. i don't even like stealth / zombie / horror games that much but i was willing to stick through it because of how much this game had me in its grasp. holy shit.

i will always love super mario galaxy more because of my nostalgia for it but definitively this is the best 3d mario game and it's not even that close. it's a collectathon if you want it to be, and just a great 3d adventure game in general. if you have a switch and haven't played this yet, what are you doing?

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i really enjoyed playing this game. the story isn't all that much but each level is incredibly unique and the gameplay never gets tired. my biggest gripe is with the final boss (spoiler warning). the stupid fucking timer on that is so dumb, nothing else in the game arbitrarily holds you back like that and i really dislike it. i never beat the game because of it and i'm not sure that i ever plan to. other than that this is a blast

i loved this game, it's the reason i bought my friends ps4 and it's the reason i upgraded to a ps5 (to play the sequel). it's so much fun, the story is engaging, the gameplay is nuts, and the world is full of life. highly recommend

this is a phenomenal metroidvania, even if it is pretty easy to forget what you're supposed to be doing if you put it down for a minute. idk i'm so glad this series has a new entry and it's really really fun


this was my game of 2022. amazing. it had me in tears in the first 30 minutes and again and again all throughout the game. psychological horror is so much better than jumpscare horror and omori fucking nails it. there are def some issues with the pacing (i did four and a half runs to get all the achievements so i would know) but really this is just such a fun gem that i thought i'd never play. thank you abigail walters

i really liked this game. the gameplay is pretty standard (although i love the emphasis on archery), but the story. holy shit. i love the story of this game, i was thinking about it when i wasn't playing it and rarely did anything outside of the main storyline because i was just that invested. i really like this game and would recommend it to most people. every once in a while i log on and just look for more trinkets for achievements so i can eventually plat it even though it's likely to never happen.

maybe i'll come back to this but it's just a puzzle game and not a fantastic one at that

need to get those last few achievements smh

this is a strange one. recommended by riyan, i see the thoughts behind it and im sure the sequel is a great improvement but i just got bored bro. this was j boring. i will not be returning for all achievements

this game is so great, i absolutely adored it and getting all the achievements was so much fun. 10/10 would recommend. slow start but man once you're in it you're in it.

silly fun from like eighth grade, but i could recommend it now.

i wanted to play this game since i saw jacksepticeye play it when i was 12 but i will likely never open it

i actually really like this when it works, it just rarely does with my friend group