i couldnt understand how the combat worked but i like wigglytuff

update the damn gen 9 sprites and ill give u more stars.

i didnt have d/p i only had plat which couldnt connect to it (gf are u ready to die) and so i just changed the date on the wii over and over to get the daily free pokemon and then when i had a load of them id just sit and watch them go about their business.... that was cinema to me

as a child i didnt know how saving worked so i would jsut play the start over and over and never made it past misty

caused drama in my family holiday after i made my cousins mii really fat after he pissed me off

caused drama in my family holiday after i made my cousins mii really fat after he pissed me off

caused drama in my family holiday after i made my cousins mii really fat after he pissed me off

died really far away and kept dying trying to get my stuff back.... games that make u drop ur inventory on death are evil!


id like to show you me beautiful spores

unironically this is a fun moba sorry...


i only played this because the straight boy in high school i was in love with played it and im so bad at this stupid game... fuck osu!!

i couldnt beat the jump rope game at the start when i was a child and that pissed me off so bad