i died twice at the very end of the tutorial and it makes u do it all over again and its so long. so i gave up. my finger hurt from holding the shoot button.

i unironically think this is a masterpiece

many friends and allies have fallen to this beast

i got this as my only xbox game after i got an xbox because all my friends had xboxes and i didnt and i felt very left out because i wasnt included in their xbox live playing together. anyway i didnt realise i didnt even have a tv in my room nor was i willing to pay the xbox live fee so i played this on the small family tv in my living room which was too dim, small, and low quality, so i couldnt make out any of the text in the menu options and i got lost in a cave at the start because i didnt see where i was going. all of this i blame on bethesda.

i bought this to play with my sister and it was not as fun to play with my sister with as i had perhaps imagined. but i dont even like mario so i dont know what i was thinking getting this

re-logic u will always be famous

i got lost at the start in that big field and the field took too long to walk across

my boyfriend lives here (julian)

one day i will try and finish this game ive tried multiple times but the fights are really boring and i put it down. can i have a version where i just walk around and dont fight anything.

when i was emulating this something happened and closed the game or something and i hadnt saved or whatever and i didnt want to have to replay the whole thing so i never played it again

the only classic zelda i support

i had so much fun playing this absolute doodoo garbage game. its total shit gamefreak u will burn. but i just love to walk around and see the pokemon like those are my friends right there.........

this shit was too hard for me i was just 10