i got this on my birthday and i was playing it spending ages making my character and i scroll past the ugly buck teeth mouth option and my dad tells me that should be the one i pick
the darkness in my heart grew that day

named one of the characters after my high school crush but then i didnt tell him bc i thought hed think it was weird so i just imagined we were playing together in my sick head

my mum would get soo mad bc i would spend all her coins in the machine . thats what they're FOR!!! stop hoarding them!

i tried "streaming" this game to my "boyfriend" when i was 14 by pointing my laptop webcam at the tv on a skype call and let me tell u he was not interested !

i never had mario party but i did have Tamagotchi: Party On! and no one would play it with me because it was horrendously dull

gay awakening from doing the heart emote to my male friend and feeling butterflies when he did it back

it called me obese and i cried

feel like pure shit just want her back

the only classic zelda i support

i couldnt beat the jump rope game at the start when i was a child and that pissed me off so bad

juinchi masuda has fucked up pokemon bottom line cut and dry

this shit was too hard for me i was just 10

this used to be my favourite pokemon game but on adult reevaluation i cant look past the horrendous scaling and the learnsets being ridiculous any longer!!!
70% of pokemon not learning a good stab move until like level 50 is NOT CUTE!!!!!!!