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anothab reviewed Death Stranding
[~2.5hrs in]
Finally took the plunge and committed to another lengthy title from my backlog. Couple hours in so far; thoroughly invested, intrigued, and confused 😂 stunning vistas of beautiful expansive terrain, vibrant foliage, ebbing streams that open into plunging waterfalls that cascade down beautiful cliffs... nightmare rain that makes you grow old instantly, a telepathic baby in a tank that connects to you via an artificial umbilical cord, floating invisible smoke people, voidouts where you die and destroy entire cities like a human atom bomb but then come back alive after, and then carrying the President's dead body over hazardous cliffs to an incinerator are just a few choice highlights from the journey so far! 🤯🤪

2 days ago

anothab is now playing Death Stranding

2 days ago

2 days ago

anothab finished Nour: Play with Your Food
[~1hr in]
I have no idea what is going on. I am smashing everything up with a meat tenderizer, slicing every food into little chunks, then hurling it all over the floor. There is also some cute jellyfish stealing my food, and I also seem to be playing music. I have no idea what is going on, but it's sure fun.

[~3hrs in]
Finished. Fun little game to play, though controls can be a little janky so not bothering for the Platinum trophy. Don't overthink it and you'll likely enjoy it.

3 days ago

3 days ago

anothab reviewed Nour: Play with Your Food
[~1hr in]
I have no idea what is going on. I am smashing everything up with a meat tenderizer, slicing every food into little chunks, then hurling it all over the floor. There is also some cute jellyfish stealing my food, and I also seem to be playing music. I have no idea what is going on, but it's sure fun.

[~3hrs in]
Finished. Fun little game to play, though controls can be a little janky so not bothering for the Platinum trophy. Don't overthink it and you'll likely enjoy it.

5 days ago

anothab finished Yakuza: Like a Dragon
[~1hr in]
In the first hour of playing, all I have actually done is watch 52 minutes of (admittedly funny) cutscenes, and spend the other 8 minutes having 4 minor scuffles and a bit of running around the map. Enjoying it so far though - loosely reminds me of Persona 5.

[~5hrs in]
It has taken me over a month to reach a measly 5hrs of playtime. The game just does not compel me to play it due to the relentless start/stop of gameplay/cutscenes. I feel as though my apathy toward this game is holding up my backlog since I never feel motivated to play it. Reluctantly, I think I am going to have to abandon it simply so I can move onto something more engaging from my backlog.

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

anothab backloggd Dredge

7 days ago

anothab reviewed Pokémon Go
I reinstalled this recently after previously having a little bash at launch when I had awful data package which made the game practically unusable

[~9 days]
I visited a mate and his kid was playing this game; I offhandedly mentioned that I used to play it and the kid wanted to see my account so I reinstalled it. And here we are, a week and some change later. I have grown from Level 4 to Level 28. I'm blessed that I can access a Pokestop and Gym whilst inside my house; that admittedly helps progress quickly as I can play casually whilst watching TV etc. Also I now have 300GB data a month, plus I walk ~7km a day commuting to/from work which involves walking a couple Routes, and bypassing many Stops/Gyms etc. I struggle to do Curveballs at the moment, and I've not been able to do any Raids/Party yet, but we endure. I admittedly get frustrated with seeing the same 'mon everywhere with only the occasional new one. I have the Campfire app but not had much luck. Getting quite acquainted with PokeGenie and have a "Hundo" already, my 15/15/15 IV Chimchar. Last night I was standing in the pouring rain in the middle of a vacant park to enter my Marenie into a Showcase event. I guess I'm getting pretty invested, huh?

13 days ago

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