rufus was annoying and i didn't care enough to stick with the puzzles

Cute. Was a nice experience but happy it was short. Found the story slightly confusing.

it's fine, pretty much exactly as you expect. simple and fun to play after finishing silent hill 3 but can't see myself putting in crazy hours

very solid platformer. i have insane respect for people who 100% these games

Can be frustrating but when it works it's very fun

watching the demo at the arcade as a young child is a core memory but actually playing it was an incredible experience

gameplay was fun but story was pretty generic. not particularly interesting and i can't imagine this would be the type of game i ever get the urge to paly again

really cool game. can see my rating improving as i play more and get better.

cool settings, great characters, nice story. just an overall amazing experience.

such a disappointing experience. slogged through the hand holding tutorial hoping they would then let us actually play the game and explore the world but nope... thrown back into another mission based game.


didn't find it funny but it was fun enough to play. environments were pretty boring and there wasn't much there to make me want to play more than an hour

another amazing game. less interesting plot than the first two and the villain was cartoonishly evil but still great. really liked heather a lot as the protagonist. rip vincent but happy my hero douglas survived (for the ending i got at least)

Not sure what to do in one section of a level. Annoying I have to run for 10 minutes before I get a chance to try again, that is if I didn't die before then.