5 reviews liked by applepie

Celeste is unmatched when it comes to 2D platformers. It is an incredible experience for casual players, due to the clever level design and emotional and deep story, amazing soundtrack, and incredilby fun and fluid movement, but it is also one of the best speedrunning games of all time.
This game is easily one of the most fun, engaging and beautiful games I've ever played, a timeless masterpiece.

Sea of Stars took me by surprise, and is my pick for GOTY of 2023. It has so many elements from iconic JRPGs that blend so well together, along with the clever humour, gorgeous visuals and amazing sountrack, which all contributed to hooking me into the game immediately. The story is fun, and full of surprises, the level design is super creative, the combat feels rewarding and fair, and the whole game is packed full of content. A must play for any JRPG fan.

One of the most charming games ever, filled with different enemies and beatiful environments to explore, Pikmin 4 is one of the most fun games I've played.
There are so many clever mechanics that makes this my favorite strategy game, the brutally intense moments makes the game even more remarkable.
This game also comes with sort of a "remake" of pikmin 1, where you replay Captain Olimar's first adventure, although it's more of a reboot of the original. This game is the pinnacle of the franchise, and a must play for everyone.

This game could've been so much more, it's got a great cast of characters, but the story is told terribly, making it too confusing. The open world is alright but nothing too great, but the game has a very interesting setting, and also some very good moments that make FFXV stand above the avarage action RPG, but, with that being said, i can't help but feel dissapointed with just how much better this game could've been with just a few changes.

Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the most amazing games I've ever played. The amount of content packed inside just this one game is absolutely insane, and I never thought I would ever play a game with this much to do in every single area, where almost every character has interesting dialogue, that either contributes to the worldbuilding, is funny, or just adds to the feeling of exploring a real world.
it's also got a surreal amount of character customization, with many different classes and races to choose from, and even the origin characters. Each player will have a vastly different experience from one another on their first playthrough, since your choices greatly affect the outcomes that the game takes.
This is also one of the most replayable games I've seen, not only because of how your choices affect the story, but there's also a completely unique route, where you play as The Dark Urge.
Thus, Baldur's Gate 3 is well deserving of winning GOTY, and it's a game everyone should play.