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This seems like a decent time to mention what my process is again: I have a website spit out 8 random years for me from 1980-2022 and I cycle through those years looking for games I have something to say about. That's why I have reviews for, like, the Tiger electronics Mortal Kombat toy and not Elden Ring (at current date).

I bring that up to say that while searching through 1995 I saw this and said, aloud, to no one around me, "YEAH NOW THAT'S A FUCKIN VIDEO GAME."

I have no idea if this game is any good. I'm pretty sure it's not fair. What I do know is that there's a part of my nervous system (a very goth part) that is always going to think that the aesthetic and action of this game fucking rules, and that I'm always going to love playing as the big dude who's arms are out like \_/ which means you have to rotate his body so his gun arm is always pointed forwards while his non gun arm is always stylishly out to the side as a counterbalance. Maybe one day I'll even beat it! I'll probably cheat to do it, but, eh.