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9 hrs ago

9 hrs ago

LordIce5 reviewed Katamari Damacy Reroll
Here's an old Steam Review I forgot about. Ik I've vanished off of this platform, but that's what playing exclusively multiplayer games for the past month has done for me lol. Anywho, enjoy!

What do I have to say? It's Katamari Damacy, the forerunner of the amazing twinstick roller series, but remade. Even though this game is great without explanation, I'll explain it anyways.


-The gameplay is great, if you're using a controller. You better be forced to because this control scheme because the rolling action is perfect on a controller (I seriously bought a controller for this game). Enough with that. The point is to roll up objects smaller than you to grow larger to roll up larger things to reach a goal in a time limit. The goal is almost always be a certain height. In We Love Katamari and Beautiful Katamari, there are other missions like make a head for a snowman (We Love Katamari) or create a katamari of 10,000 degrees celsius (Beautiful Katamari). I haven't played a lot of REROLL (or the original for that matter ), but I'm pretty sure the only goals are reach a certain size. That doesn't matter because the game is still fun and amazing.

- The story is about the King of All Cosmos destroying all the stars in the sky and you, his son Prince, have to restore them. Short. Sweet. Simple.

-The presentation is great. The levels are filled with objects to pick up and they look alive. The hubworld isn't that great but looks leagues better than We Love Katamari's (which is a pain to travel across). The HD reskin looks great 99%of the time. I'll get to the other 1% later.

-The charm is weird and I LOVE IT! It's not as overly Japanese as Beautiful Katamari or as abstract as We Love Katamari, but the King of All Cosmos' face is based off of Freddie Mercury (I'm DEAD serious)! This game is weird! That's a reason enough to play it!

-The music, as in the rest of the series is amazing. It's great J-Pop, like its later games and is the closest in quality a game I've ever played gets [in J-pop] to Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 and 2. It's still a ways off, but the music in those games is near perfect, so good going Namco!


-This one's personal as I just beat Beautiful Katamari Again, but Prince's model looks way too modern and a bit worse. I miss the old low poly look that stuck around even when we got HD consoles.

-The hubworld is a bit lame. I'm sorry, but I was raised on Beautiful Katamari's slice-of-heaven hubworld. It's NOWHERE near as bad as We Love Katamari's awful hubworld though.

-This is probably due to being the first in the series, but the maps are very similar and get repetitive. In later games, even if there are similar maps, there's a bit of something to spice them up. This problem only really exists for about the first half of the game, so it's not a big deal.

-The new physics engine is way too punishing and a bit jarring. The ball rolls as smoothly as ever and doesn't have the weird drift that Beautiful Katamari's large katamari's have when moving. That part of the physics engine is just fine. The odd part is the collision. Colliding with objects you just can't pick up yet (for example, you're an 80 cm katamari that runs into a person) works normally. My problems are with climbing and getting stuck in tight spaces. When you climb in other Katamari games, the katamari starts to slowly ascend up whatever surface without any problems your first try. In this game, it might take you 3-4 times because the game thinks you crashed instead of trying to climb and you lose about 3-7 items per hit. It's not a big deal, but it really irritated me, as this happened a lot in the early and late game. This game also has a horrible knack of getting you stuck in tight spaces. In one of the early (and more repeated) maps, there's a slide you can roll down. If you're small enough or marginally bigger than the slide, then you can go down it easy peasy. The problem is that there's this range where your in neither of these states, and you get stuck. You try to move, but after about 5 seconds, half of the items on your katamari are gone so you can fit. It's extremely frustrating, and while I'm happy that this doesn't softlock the game, it still sucks knowing your katamari lost a lot of stuff. By the way, the earlier stages with that slide are awful as you don't have much that can get you big enough to roll over a set of stairs without climbing it and there's that slide, which has a really big range where the size of your katamari isn't good enough.


Overall, I love this game series and it's great to see it back in action after a six-year drought, even if it's a remake. This game series cannot leave us again, so go out there and support the first of probably one of the weirdest video game series ever. As another review said, "It is, in fact, illegal to dislike this game."

As for the game itself, it's great. I'd prefer We Love Katamari or Beautiful Katamari, but this game is great. Every aspect is good, except for three pet peeves and one crappy physics engine. Even through the cons, this game gets an 8.5 out of 10.

16 hrs ago

18 hrs ago

18 hrs ago

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1 day ago

MagneticBurn finished Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
When Anakin turns to the dark side and his dialogue portraits and stage intros change to reflect that, that's peak.

Generally great beatemup with lots of cool ideas to break up the long runtime, but the difficulty spike in the second half is unbearable. Play it on Padawan, I don't think it changes anything other than how many lives you get.

2 days ago

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