Based on, and releasing the same day of (at least on the Wii; for some reason the other platforms didn't get this until a few months later) the TV special of the same name, Atlantis SquarePantis is pretty much just 4 different minigames with slight variations, and it's quite fun when it's not overtly annoying.

There are 4 different "game types" here; driving, exploring, walking and shooting.
The driving games open the game midway through the special (for some reason) and all you do here is drive a tank around, shooting things. There's another driving minigame later in the game where you drive a bus around and collect toolboxes.

The next gametype has basically no variations, and is the "exploring" type. You play as SpongeBob and Patrick at first, swapping between each other and using special abilities in order to progress and help each other out.
Later in the game you get the chance to play as Sandy, Squidward and Mr. Krabs.
I enjoyed Sandy's special ability as you spun the Wiimote in circles to use her lasso and that was fun.

The third gametype is "shooting", where you use your Wiimote as a pointer and either take pictures, shoot gems with bubbles or shoot guards with ping pong balls.
Think Pokémon Snap; you're on rails just spamming a button.
Also, it's A to shoot and B to reload so it's very easy to just hit both at once in order to get unlimited ammo.

The last and probably worse gametype is the "walking" games.
These are DDR style "hit the button when it scrolls over the right part of the screen" minigames, but it only uses music once in the whole game.
The other usages of this are just walking.
You watch your characters take a tour of Atlantis and you have to watch the top of the screen trying not to hit the wrong button since when you run out of "lives" you have to redo it from the beginning.
Trying to remember where the 1 and 2 buttons are when you don't use the Wii often made these kinda difficult.

The final level was one of these but it played the credits over it, and they got Nolan North to play the character you're watching walk, so you get to hear his Deadpool voice.

When you complete the game you can use tokens that you get for completing levels to buy things.
One of these is the Arcade, which features some boring ass games.
There's a weird Space Invaders x Snake game that moves really slowly, a platformer game that was fun (but rather empty), a "collecting" game where you grab lights while avoiding red blobs, which is immediately followed by a game where you have to avoid those lights (which is really annoying since you have to stop yourself from picking them up).

There's also "SwapBob SpareFace" which is just a Mr. Potato Head simulator that gives you the bare minimum unless you go back and get more tokens (which I won't be doing).
There's also a concept art viewer because of course there is.

This game has no impact and is pretty useless.
Mr Krabs has zero speaking lines, not even by an impersonator. David Bowie's character's sound-alike sounds like Matt Berry, too.

You play most of the game with the Wiimote horizontally, with only the shooting levels making you aim with it, but the back of the box says it has Nunchuk support, when it really didn't.

If you wanna play every SpongeBob game, then go for it.
Also something to note is that the GBA port of this game released in 2008; 4 years after the DS launched.
Is this one of the last GBA games? Probably.

Yes, I played yet another of these.
I paid full price for this one, too.
Am I down bad or do I just enjoy mahjong?
It's probably both.

But yeah this was fun.
Definitely features some of my least favourite character designs in the few games of this calibre I've played but it also features some cute girls and the closest I'll ever see to full on nudity in these games with bubbles and the smallest bikini I've ever seen, not to mention the camel toes.

Also I have to mention the huge titties that make even my back hurt.
God damn.

This game is actually not available to play in Europe, legally.
In the US, this game was released physically on both DS and 3DS, but in Europe it only got a digital release on 3DS, and we all know what happened there.

Luckily I have a flash cart, so I got to play the DS version and it's pretty good.
A fun platformer that i could've seen myself playing as a kid, but I'm not into the backtracking especially as the dungeons aren't mapped out, so you can't really see where you're going and what you're doing (although I'm pretty sure this format was improved on in a later game I'll get to).
You walk pretty slow, too, which I'm not into either.

From what I played of this, however, I still enjoyed it and would probably play more of it at some point.

Let me preface this by saying I love the Indiana Jones franchise and I imagine in the right circumstances this game would've been amazing, but playing it on a Wii using the Wiimote as the cursor is not the best way to play this game.

I firmly believe that if I played this on a PC or anything with a mouse I'd probably have a lot more fun but trying to complete it on Wii feels like a chore and only for the people who have played it before.

As a first time player this is probably the worst way I'd experience this game and I would absolutely try this (and the rest of the PC games) if I were to ever get a personal computer (or a way to connect a computer mouse to the Wii).

From what I played of this, I had fun.

This is a minigame collection for Wii based on 45 minutes of content (although actually maybe like 25), the Cars "TV series" that aired on Toon Disney back in 2008-2010.

7 of the 11 shorts are given 5 minigames that you're supposed to play with friends, but since I have no friends I'm playing it by myself.

"Rescue Squad Mater", the first of these, has a driving minigame that takes a moment to get used to, which transitions into a balance minigame that doesn't work since the way you hold the controller makes you walk forward and off a balcony to your doom.
The third of these is a "point and shoot" minigame where you put out fires, which was actually pretty fun, and so was #4, which was a "catch the falling objects" minigame, although there's a delay when it comes to moving left and right.
The final minigame for this short is another driving section.

"El Materdor"s first minigame is a terrible matching game that shows you where everyone is before the first section but then doesn't for the subsequent ones.
The second of the 5 is a sorta "capture the flag"-esque driving game where you steal a flag from a computer opponent. It's pretty easy to cheese this as the computer doesn't even try if you boost away from them.
Minigame 3 is a collectathon in which you collect roses while avoiding bulldozers, and 4 is one where you wave the remote around like an idiot to get the bull's attention.
The final minigame for this short, I'm actually not sure what you're supposed to do since it would rather show than tell. I was driving around trying to figure it out and I didn't get any points until near the end and I'm not sure what I did.
Weirdly, this section didn't use the tilt controls to steer, but the other ones did.

Short #3 is "Tokyo Mater", which opens with a painting minigame. If you run out of spray paint you have to jerk off your Wiimote and a forklift can get in your way and run down your time while you paint because you can't see what you're doing.
Next is a drifting minigame that uses tilt controls, followed by a Space Invaders clone where you dodge ninja stars (which was kinda boring) and a broken driving section.
The finale of this section is a surprisingly fun "duck and jump" section that speeds up as you play.

"Mater The Greater" is next, with a pump action game to start, followed by a jumprope minigame with more screen-filling distractions, 10 rounds of "Where's Waldo" for some reason and a run and jump minigame that just does not work in the slightest.
Finally there's another tilt minigame that has the same issues as the fire one.

"Monster Truck Mater" is the second-to-last set of minigames, starting with a repeat of the collectathon minigame from El Materdor but instead of collecting roses it's ice cream and instead of avoiding a bull you avoid just some guy.
Then it's another "capture the flag" game but with no computer players so it's pretty easy (except when the wrestler car you have to avoid drives on top of the goal).
The third of these is an arcade shooter style minigame where you spam A while your cursor is pointed at a certain point on a wrestler, with a literal fighting game next where it's you Vs. the computer.
The final minigame for this short is just quicktime events.

The last set of minigames in this game are based on the Sci-fi short "UFM", which starts with...a game where you knock down stacks of cans, and then a game where you shoot hubcaps at tires.
There's at least a minigame that follows the story of the short next, where you fly through rings, and a Frogger-style stealth mission, ending with a driving mission.

And that's it.
There's "Freeplay Mode" where if you get at least a bronze trophy in a minigame you can replay it to your heart's content (which I will not be doing), and there's a "Playlist" function which I can assume lets you make your own minigame sessions.

In the "Bonus" section you can see the worst concept art I've ever seen and character models.

Other than that, there's collectable pin badges, bobblers and snowglobes you get for doing certain things in certain minigames, trophies for getting a certain score in a minigame and money you get for getting points in minigames that you use to customise your character (which I also will not be doing).

Some of these minigames are fun but the controls and objectives on others are pretty hard to understand.
If you see this game for cheap you should pick it up but I wouldn't pay over £4 for it.

I've always been iffy on streaming games via the PlayStation Plus PS3 streaming service but as the first game I've ever played via the service, I managed to do literally everything with little to no interference.

LEGO® Indiana Jones 2, and I hope people understand when I say this, is literally just LEGO® Indiana Jones 2.

Coming out literally a year or two after the original, the main draw of this game is the then-newest Indy movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, as it takes up half of the game's levels.

Instead of the game being your average "play through the game, and then play through them again for collectables", you only have to play through the main story once at the least (I had to play through the game basically twice for the platinum trophy but for 100% as long as you get True Adventurer on every level as you play through for the first time you shouldn't have to replay it).

All the collectables are hidden around the 6 hub worlds.
30 coloured bricks (10 each of Red "Score Multiplier" bricks, Green "Novelty" bricks and Blue "Enhancement" bricks), 5 "Treasure Levels" (which replace the "Free Play" mode), 5 Bonus Levels hidden around each world and a "Super Bonus Level", which you unlock by completing all the world's Treasure and Bonus Levels.

The Super Bonus Levels come in handy pretty early on as all 6 hub worlds feature one, and they're all "collect a million stud" levels you can replay as often as you want, plus you get to keep the million once you finish the level, so you're basically guaranteed to get the score multipliers easy if you have the patience to grind studs.

Like LEGO® The Incredibles, this game opens with the newest entry and lets you play through the rest of the movies once you complete it, but unlike Incredibles this one actually makes sense since the game assumes you've played through the original trilogy in the first game.

The original trilogy does feature in this game, too, which makes sense but also doesn't, since you'd probably have played these movies before in the first game and now it wants you to play them again.

My assumption is that this game, much like LEGO® Star Wars: The Force Awakens, was planned to be just the newest movie and due to the critical reception of it they decided to throw in the original trilogy in order to up sales.
Maybe they should've made an original adventure that takes place after Crystal instead.

Some of my issues with this game, other than certain trophies which I'll get to shortly, are the characters still not being perfected yet.
You'll need a certain character in order to unlock stuff in the hub but when you're not playing as them they'll walk around the hub world and you have to find them.
Planes have annoyingly wide turns, too, and some time trials are heavily reliant on dual play which I can't do.
Trophy-wise, I don't know why they added a trophy for replaying every level in Quick Play mode since that doesn't count towards to the 100%, plus there's also a trophy for doing Scholar Access 10 times but you only do it 8 times in normal playthrough..

Overall, this was still a pretty fun 30 hours, even if it did get boring rather quickly.
If you're ever in the mood to play through the Indiana Jones movies I'd suggest just playing the original, but if at a later date you get that urge I'd suggest you play through this too.
Don't play it 2 days after you 100% the original like I did, you'd get Lego'd out really quickly.

I actually almost quit this game early on but once I got my first trophy I forced myself to keep playing and once I got used to it I had a lot of fun when it wasn't freezing, slowing down or lagging out.

I love Lego games. I think everyone has a favourite, but this one isn't one of mine (I'll find it!).

I own and plan on getting 100% in every Lego Star Wars game, but at the current moment I'm burnt out on the Star Wars franchise (who isn't at this point).
Since I'm currently watching through my Blu-ray collection and I own every Star Wars movie, I might give them a go as I watch, much like I did with this game.

Based on the original Raiders trilogy, LEGO Indiana Jones released in 2008 for a lot of consoles, and instead of buying the PS3 version of it I decided to 100% the PS2 version purely because it was easier to find for me. I'm pretty sure the PS2 version of this game is actually just the PSP version (like a lot of games from around this time) but someone would have to tell me if that's correct or not.

Every time I finished one of the Indy movies, I'd spend the following day playing the levels in this game based on it, and since I don't own the 2nd Lego Indy game I decided to sit through and get the game 100%'d instead of playing the Crystal Skull levels (I might still play The Adventure Continues though).

This game is okay.
Definitely the best Indiana Jones game from around the time these released, but I wouldn't know since I've not played Staff of Kings (also on my backlog!).

It's fun, especially if you recently watched the movies, because I found it fun reliving my favourite scenes ("No ticket!") and watching them skirt around Nazi iconography because this is a kids game after all.

There's a lot of glitches, too, though.
Since the "enter vehicle" and "switch characters" button are the same you spend a lot of time accidentally switching to your B character while trying to enter a car.
Driving is a bit too finicky since it's more like you're walking your car instead of driving it (See: Disney's Cars - The Videogame) which makes driving them onto buttons difficult, but driving them over everything in order to maximize stud count super fun.

Not every character you unlock through the story mode just by playing it normally can actually do certain abilities you need to unlock items in Free Play, and that's not made clear (although I don't know if that's the fault of the game or any of the walkthroughs I used, or me for taking over 2 months to complete this game).
Certain collectables can be just out of reach or straight up missed which prompt you to restart levels from the beginning (which happened annoyingly often).

Despite all this, however, it's still a solid game and I would recommend it to people who would rather not be reminded of the existence of a 4th movie (which I don't understand since it was pretty good).

If you don't care about Crystal Skull I would recommend you pick up the sequel unless you really wanna play through the same 3 movies twice (maybe this one has more detail, I don't know).

I don't actually understand why they made this game if just under a year later they'd make the second one just to add the new movie.
Why not just wait a year and then release this game in its entirety with the extra Crystal Skull levels added in?


This game was okay for about ten minutes but it got really boring, really quickly.

It's a laggy buttonmashing mess with irritating controls and annoying motion elements that don't work most of the time.

If you're gonna play this, don't play it on Wii; the PS3 version is free with PlayStation Plus on PS4 and PS5 (although you have to stream it, but we all have to make sacrifices).

I encountered a glitched, immortal enemy that made me give up on this game, I was spamming the attack button while I was writing this.

If you don't want me to play your game I won't play it.

This was okay at first but it got really boring quite quickly.

In the first third of the game,
SpongeBob's driving levels weren't great since they were shown as "races" when in fact they weren't, but Patrick's platforming levels were pretty fun especially with the comic book style that reminded me of XIII and I got some enjoyment out of Plankton's 2.5D platformer section.

The second "section" that I played today was just boring.
SpongeBob's level was just Patrick's from earlier without charm, Patrick's was difficult to control and Plankton kept dying on spawn and his Lazer eye is uncontrollable.

That second Plankton level caused me to drop this game entirely because of how finicky it was.

The minigames were not great, some were harder to control than others, and I kinda expected more from this game.

I had high hopes for this game when I first started it yesterday but it grew old really fast.

The sequel to Nicktoons Unite! is a really short, really easy ten-level 2.5D platformer with shooter elements.

I completed this game in a few hours while also battling with my Wii continuously freezing during play.
In this game you play as characters from SpongeBob, Danny Phantom and also Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents.

The story is really weird to me as it has basically nothing to do with Nicktoons characters unlike the previous game which had the villains from every show featured teaming up.

This game is just a prophecy being fulfilled by crab people.
It's not explained why these characters are the "chosen ones" or how they even ended up on this island in the first place.

It is incredibly easy and a bit boring.
I at least want some challenge like the last one had, this one you can just ignore everything and you'll be done pretty quickly.

As my first proper playthrough of a Wii game I was curious to see how this would play out, and seeing as it was developed by the same people who did the PlayStation 2 ATLA games based on the series I had pretty high hopes for it.

The motion controls are decent although I imagine they could've done more with them. The game itself is just as boring as the movie it's based on.

I don't think I ever actually had any real fun with this, it was just spam the button and run around.
I at least completed the first level because part of me was hoping it was just Zuko's level that was like that but I'm pretty sure the entire game is this monotonous.

If I had to choose between watching the movie or playing the Wii game I'd probably either choose this game or just up and kill myself.

Definitely one of the better Pixar games, although there are still a few hangups (but they're not as bad as previous games).

The game itself is a fairly short 3D platformer with elements of Frogger and some fun flying levels.
It's very easy to cheese this game by going just out of view of enemies.
They can just stop attacking you if you go far enough away, and you can even kill them before the game recognises that you see them which is pretty funny.

There's a variety of collectables; Suitcases, Radios, "Wallops" (the "E" in "Wall-E"), Sketchbooks and Souvenirs (which are mostly characters from Toy Story).
Suitcases unlock "Appearance Upgrades", Radios unlock "Additional Sound FX", Wallops unlock multiplayer maps, but I'm not sure what everything else does.

To be honest I don't know how to view or use the stuff you unlock with collectables so I didn't bother getting them all. Even looking
online for help in trying to see what everything unlocks did not help.

You also unlock images and videos.
Image-wise, we get film renders and concept art from both the game and the movie, which is pretty cool, but the videos you unlock are cutscenes from the game.
Everything else is already there on startup.

You might have fun playing this game since it's only a few hours long but I don't really think it's worth getting 100% in.

It's an okay way to waste a few hours, especially if you're a fan of any of these shows.

The controls are difficult but you get used to it, a lot of the abilities you unlock are very finicky and how you defeat bosses isn't really explained (I had to look up how to defeat two of the lategame bosses).

I had a bit of fun but the thing that made me abandon this game was the Giant Flea-Bot boss fight.
It keeps shooting you and jumping so you can't get near it and you can only get rid of a small portion of its health before it jumps on a pedestal and slowly heals up, prompting you to jump up to these drums and knocking them down.

Drums that are above a slow moving lift, and there's smaller minions trying to kill you too so you keep getting hit by them while you have to rush up and hit this drum before it heals.
By the time you've got up there and hit it, it's already back at full health.

It was near the end of the game so fuck it I don't really care enough.

The level select cheat doesn't even work so I can't even skip it.
You have to hold L2 and hit a bunch of buttons, but one of them is X and X opens the level you've highlighted.

This is most likely the worst game I have ever played.

I like Bejeweled. I bought Bejeweled 3 on PS3 as a joke but I thoroughly enjoy playing it and I wanted a game that was similar to it on PS4 so I didn't have to set up my PS3 every time I had a chill session lined up.

Having been burned out of Tetris Effect, and gotten pretty bored of Frozen Freefall, I looked to see if there were any other casual games and saw this on sale for just over £1.

Yeah, this sucks.
Your bubble doesn't hit where you want it to, there's an invisible wall at the top that you can't see, the bouncing sucks and there's no real way to see where your ball will actually hit.

Honestly I would much rather play Frozen Freefall than this, and that's saying something because I bought this because I wanted to play something else.

There's probably better games on mobile.