5 reviews liked by astralmona

Is it bad that this is one of the best games I've played of all time? It's beginner friendly, has a well written story even if it has bumps, and is hilarious at times. i can relate to Awakening's themes immensely and that's what makes it a masterpiece to me.

play the game im begging you

Porting a game like Super Mario Maker on a handheld device like the 3DS.. is a interesting move. It doesn’t quite work out though. It’s extremely limited, playing others level is harder than even making levels. It’s just a mess. However, when it does work, it’s a fantastic port and for what they did considering this was a handheld device, it was well made.

Overall, it’s a decent port. It has some major flaws that lower my grade, like the whole system of making levels and playing other levels, but other than that, it’s a decent port as I said earlier. 7.5/10 , 3.5/5

I'll just keep this short, I'm in the minority that believes this was not a good game, Poorly designed gameplay, an uninteresting cast, and failed to get me invested in the majority of the chapters. One of the worst games I've played in recent memory. (I played on ps4 btw but that option isn't listed lol)

Genuinely a masterpiece, If someone asked me to recommend a game to someone that has never played a game before I would say Undertale. Every inch of the game is filled to the brim with fresh ideas, wonderful design and art. The music alone is the greatest thing I've ever heard in a video game. I love the freedom the game gives you with how you play. The story is amazingly paced and interesting. The characters and overall world building are amazing. This game is truly I must-play regardless of if you like video games or not.



This is easily one of my favorite Rockstar games, the story is great and paced well and fits the school environment. Speaking of environment the world building is great, all the small fun activities make the game's map feel way better than the GTA games which are relatively empty. The soundtrack can get repetitive however I personally never got tired of the songs that played while doing various activities. despite this being a PS2 game the controls are still nice and crisp. Overall an amazing game that aged pretty well.