You don't get to kill the floor

You get to eat people and run up the side of buildings as an old grandma


I hope one day it'll get an anime

It's great if you enjoy dying and crying

Played the game since Heavensward. ShB remains my favorite expansion. It gets 0.5 points off cuz it makes me feel old every time I realize how many years it's been.

I've finished this game so many times. Amazing how the artstyle has held up over the years. Still one of my favorite games of all time.

I forgot this game existed until it showed up on the list. Pretty sure younger me only played it due to not having anything else to play

5 year old me liked it so I guess that counts for something.

Pro: hot waifu and husbando
Con: gacha

Sonic dies.

Ironically probably the best Shadow characterization in years.

Reminds me of the days back when Valve made games