i need to play this again eventually because me not liking my first playthrough seems wrong somehow. and yes i went for 100% and got it, that made it worse LMAO

shame they never made more, this was really high quality

takes all the wrong lessons from the nes era, which is so weird considering the studio's work on mega man 9 and 10. just play the sequel, you aren't missing anything here

more of a ddlc fangame than an fnf one, though that's not to say the songs and gameplay aren't fuckin killer. the writing is so touching and everything in the game clearly has so much passion for its source material behind it

it's what you'd expect, short and depressing. pretty cool, just wish it was integrated into the main game like the bonus songs

played on switch, pc, 3ds, and probably many more platforms to come. never gets old, even if it isn't my favorite of the campaigns

a timeless campaign, far from just another take on shovel knight's story, though it does undoubtedly compliment it. forever one of my favorite games, and it isn't even sold standalone

genuinely the only good official sonic game since mania plus

ye it's a fine little mobile game

the sa-x... i should call her.... anyway the game is really really good

quickly became one of my favorite games ever back when i first played it a few years back. it knew what it wanted to do, didn't stretch it further than it needed, and absolutely HIT with its ending. plus, it's got a level editor, which is what i always look for in a woman

eyyyyyyup pardner it's fuckin decent meg of man

exceptional remake of a fantastic nes game

something about the surreal yet relatively grounded location of hope's peak just gets in your head and sticks with you, it's the perfect setting for a game like this. however, Transphobia