i love the p3 characters but damn they really had the short end of the stick compared to p5d in every aspect besides menus

the localized versions are absolute trash and remove content for no reason play the japanese version

bust-a-move more like bust-a-nut

i play on browser and i cant tell you how long ive been playing this game anyway i like Women and dumb bad porn

good game, too bad i suck at it

Starts out great and then the monotony creeps up on you. The gameplay loop sucks and is made worse when you realize that there is only one place in the entire game to fully heal yourself and you have to go all the way back to the first world in order to do that. The gameplay is also pretty basic. It doesn't hurt the game, but it also doesn't help it.
All of the references are cute and it's fun seeing my favorite manga characters interacting, but those interactions alone are just not enough to keep the player engaged.

I played this because my wife (male) is in it, and I spent real money on it because I had troubles emulating it while completely forgetting that I own a flashcart.

played this many times since it came out in the us in 2012 and this is just one of those times

this was the best epic fails compilation i've ever seen

i dont know who any of these bitches are but the music is good and the gameplay is good i like when the blond boy nae naes

i dont remember what the plot to this is

harder than tengoku by a lot, this is probably my second fave in this all medals replay run
im sure 12 year old me would be glad to know that i was finally able to get a superb on shoot em up 2

this is the best rhythm heaven and I hate it

ataru really do be voiced by ataru

anyway this is one of those games that I spent years wanting to play so im glad i got to
there's a lot of localization decisions that baffle me (namely the decision to do jp order for names and the localization of the star trigon guys' names even though star trigon came out in the us) but i still really enjoy the game