170 Reviews liked by battlehuntz

I think people misunderstand why this game is so ballsy with its difficulty. Of course it’s so incredibly hard; SEGA obviously wanted players to develop quicker reaction timing. Having lightning fast reaction is important, especially if you’re driving. In fact, playing the daytime levels is a lot like driving through a city. The only difference is that if you die in the car, you die in real life as well. SEGA weren’t being sadistic; they were looking out for their fans. They want us all to be good drivers so we don’t crash our cars because we didn’t play enough Sonic Unleashed. I think S ranking every stage in Unleashed should be a requirement in receiving a license. Maybe then, the roads would be less dangerous. …Or, they’ll end being even more chaotic and unsafe.

cover art look like morbius
thank you for reading

When I was a kid, I wanted this game so bad. And then Christmas came and I got it but I didn't have a 32X. I was devastated and my mom would not go out and buy one so I just had this useless Knuckles Chaotix cart laying around my house. I would look at screenshots in magazines and just picture myself running around as Mighty or Vector or Espio because they were so cool in the Archie Sonic Comics.

I played it for the first time to completion recently. I was not missing out.

Has there ever been a hyper specific moment in a game that for some reason stuck in your mind more than anything else you witnessed while playing?

There's a scene early on where Wheatley attempts to disengage from his management rail. He's terrified about the consequences if this happens, but he chooses to play with fate anyway. He tells the player to catch him after he counts down from three, but in the time it takes him to count, he begins to second guess his choices. So, instead he counts down from one and plummets immediately.

I''m unsure why, but this particular moment left an impact on me. So much so that I began to use Wheatley's technique. Now, of course, I'm not a british sphere dismounting from the ceiling. But whenever there's something I want to commit to but have second thoughts about, I try the exact same mechanism. I count to three before counting to one and proceeding impulsively.

It's a silly technique that's genuinely helped me; especially regarding reaching out to others. I struggle with social anxiety to the point that I often become fearful simply trying to say hello to a friend. This whole "count to three, count to one" technique has helped me detach from my worries and hop right in. And I'd argue it's been nothing but helpful. Hell, the first time I tried texting my partner, I used this technique so I would finally say hello to them.

I'm not sure what's more interesting; Portal 2 being indirectly responsible for my relationship, or a superficial gag resonating with me to the point I began using as a coping mechanism. The fact that a microscopic portion of Portal 2 was able to help me immensely with my anxiety proves how much of a masterpiece it truly is.

...Well, sure. It's also an amazing experience with delectable physics based puzzles and platforming along with a sublime atmosphere. But that cutscene of Wheatley falling from the ceiling? No, that's the actual reason why I have to give it a perfect score.

Amazing story but terrible gameplay

some of yall have gone so far deep into anti-gamefreak rhetoric (which yeah, is wholly valid) that you've shifted the pendulum in order to defend this slop. is palworld really the hill you want to die on?

literally just play spectrobes instead

What am I doing with my life? All this time spent ironically praising shitty games including this one and now people are unironically gassing up generic survival crafting game number 74,963. That settles it, from now on the words “peak fiction” will never leave my mouth ever again!

Lame ass anime art style, this is why western VNs are better

35 years without Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yaoi…
Think about what that does to a man

Ten chances to add Geno and all ten of them wasted on lame ass anime characters

Never thought I’d see a worthy successor to Castlevania 1 in my lifetime

Ironically hyping up bad games is the lowest form of comedy

Ludonarrative commentary on the uniquely unstable class structure of French history depicted through how characters are balanced