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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 9, 2024

First played

January 7, 2024

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Plays SO much better for combat, and so much is streamlined. It’s shorter, but I think this is to its favor. Side content matters as you see Miles build that community to prove he can be Spider Man by just being himself. He’s not an imitation of Peter. He’s his own Spider Man and his own person. And it rules. It’s much more interpersonal, but I think it resonates as a result. Lacking a lot of tedium the first game had is great. Though I’d say it has a few flaws, like some puzzles being bad. Length mostly helps this story, but I can’t help but feel that it does create some friction with pricing discussions. I got this with Remastered for 42 bucks, so that’s a steal, but idk. Up to you on pricing. Fantastic midquel. I do wish Miles had a better design though, namely haircut-wise. As it stands he kind of just looks like FlightReacts. Could be me just being way more used to his Spiderverse design, though, but I’d definitely give him a better cut. Fantastic character, though. Loved my time with this as improvements became apparant after how much I wasn’t a fan of the first game’s DLC.