Favourite games EVER (if I had played them)

Games whose stories/characters/general style had a huge influence on me. They could perhaps be my favourite games of all time, except for one tiny problem: I haven't actually... what's the word... "played" them.

Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story
A moving story that had me in tears, beautiful environments, interesting worldbuilding, characters who I love dearly. The combat is a mix of difficult rhythm-based hack-and-slash, item crafting, and box puzzles. There's no way.
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Symphonia
The catalyst for my obsession with the Tales series. I followed its release in Nintendo Power. Who is Kratos? What happens to Colette? How do you beat that Sword Dancer?? I was desperate to know. I was only held back by one thing: we did not own a Gamecube. Eighteen years later and I still haven't played it.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Nami is best girl. I imagine. I do not gel with life simulators, and--once again--we did not own a Gamecube.
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
I finished reading the official guide, at least. Sounds great! There is no way I can do all that on a timer.
Pokémon Colosseum
Pokémon Colosseum
Yet ANOTHER Gamecube game I was obsessed with but couldn't play. I actually did manage to play this one with the help of video store rentals. One week was not enough time to finish it.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Another game where I religiously read the official guide as a kid and was deeply obsessed with it. The intended mode of play, multiplayer, is a ridiculous grift that requires four GBAs to function. However, years later, my siblings collaborated on buying all of these to make it happen. We still haven't finished it. As it turns out, the most difficult part of the game is getting four adults in the same room to play a 25-hour RPG.
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
What an interesting and subversive sequel. I bought it at the same time as its predecessor and this was the one I was actually interested in. My excuse for not having played it is uhhhh
Seems to come free in every game bundle. At this point I must have more copies of Oxenfree than dollars in my bank account. Love to play it someday! But not this day!
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
I wanted to play this badly enough that a high school friend took pity on my and lent my his PC copy. Huge mistake.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Nintendo: "What if we made one of the most famous left-handed characters of all time right-handed for the Wii version? After all, it would be difficult--perhaps even impossible--to swing a sword opposite-handed. Left-handed people can die I guess"
Tales of the Rays
Tales of the Rays
English version scrubbed from existence like a month before I finally decided to check it out. Oops.


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