LOVED this game. It felt a bit draining at times due to the "multiple" playthroughs, but I constantly look back at this game fondly. It's one of those games you wish you could play for the first time again.

Tried playing this when it came out. Got to Anor Londo and had to quit at O&S.

Finally came back to it and finished it. This game has completely changed how I view other games now. From now on, every game is going to be compared to it. I had so much fun. I love this game so damn much. I can't wait to play the other FromSoft games.

For all of its flaws, it's a beautiful game.

Was difficult to get into for the first couple levels. Actively disliked it. About halfway through I found my groove and just blasted my way through to the end.

Part of the difficulty came from my stubbornness about not wanting to kill anyone.

Absolutely fantastic entry in the Castlevania series. The game is excellently paced and has a great variety of combat customization. The story and dialogue were interesting enough but nothing to really gush about.

Fun and definitely worth the time! Must have GBA game.

Took about 7 hours to complete.