Very cute little game with surprisingly dark story and cool worldbuilding. Have to dock a star because it's so short and with no replay value. Would love to see more.

Something nice about this game is that it meant we didn't have to endure any more clumsy allegories for racism for a little bit because it really cornered the market for that sort of thing. Everybody at the clumsy allegories for racism factory was all like, "we're about to be out of a job!"

Plot is severely underdeveloped. Basically takes the concept of the SCP foundation and makes it into a video game except they do literally nothing interesting with it. Gameplay not compelling either.

There are many people who have the ability to enjoy a game of this nature. I sadly cannot count myself among them. Ultimately I decided to stop putting myself through this experience as it was not sparking joy. I do not like walking very slowly over generic environments trying not to drop a bunch of stuff. I do not like it.

A severe low for the FE series in terms of storytelling; which is particularly problematic for a game that wants consumers to pay full price for it twice for the sake of experiencing the story.

Very good FE game with some really unfortunate flaws. Story arcs vary widely in quality between the main characters. You need to replay the game in its entirety to experience the full story and it's a really fucking long game that feels like a slog when replaying. It was plenty of fun when I played it the first time, hence the high rating; I just can't imagine returning to it over and over again the way it wants me to.