22 Reviews liked by blastoise_pro

Juego qliao lageado imposible de jugar. Increíble. Revivan flash.

Why do they move like that

it's like the video game version of a funko pop

Game for people who tweet “Animation isn’t just for kids” with images of the four most recent children’s movies attached

If I read another Soulja Boy joke i stg I'm going to Jonathan Blow my brains out

made like a dark, twisted version of pokemon haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my open-world survival crafting slop would make most simply go insane lmao.

Can the people shitting on this solely for its plot just accept that Zelda games never had good stories to begin with?

Shitty nerd ass game deserves to be shoved in a locker

"This game sucks, it's too long!" wait till you see my penis.

Terminada la segunda trilogía de Layton puedo confirmar que si bien da su lore importante tanto en la Llamada del Espectro como en este juego, está a años luz de poder compararse con la primera trilogía.

Es inconsistente en muchas ocasiones, tiene muchos aspectos de la historia sin cuidar. No se quiere explicar bien. Lo más llamativo es el punto en la historia en que decide realentizarse por completo, pierde el poco ritmo que tenía para pegar un sprint final que no te permite procesad todo lo que ha pasado por el ritmo parsimonioso del que se venía.

Hay varios personajes desaprovechados y sus motivos deben tener pero, esto a mi me transmite que quisieron hacer un juego más ambicioso de lo que al final fue.

Que este sea el último título de Layton y Luke no es digno para la propia saga.

I have never actually finished Portal before, but this game has plagued my Steam library for years, so eventually I gave in this evening to see for myself why it's so universally loved. And now I can see the appeal!

It's a very straightforward puzzle game with the origin of one of the most iconic gimmicks in gaming - the Portal Gun. It's like the coolest thing you can have in a game besides grappling hook mechanics; sometimes I'd just shoot portals and walk through them continuously for fun or freefall for a bit. Portal also wastes no time with cutscenes, it's basically uninterrupted gameplay from start to finish (loading screens obviously excluded). In general, the puzzles are pretty clever and often require you to think out of the box (well, literally). A personal highlight for me were the snarky comments of GLaDOS - an AI assistant that accompanies you throughout the facility. I found the weakest part of the game to be like halfway through, where you have seen a bunch of mechanics a couple time already, but the game does little new to innovate them - before the ending segment, that is. The entire final sequence was a blast to play and felt fresh again after the tedium of some previous puzzles. That's the innovation I like to see.

If you're a puzzle fan or just need something you can beat in one sitting (if you're dedicated), Portal is a great time and I would very definitely recommend it for the low price you can get it on various Steam Sales. Really looking forward to playing Portal 2 soon!

You pretentious haters just loathe the idea of innovation in the RPG scene. Maybe if they added the legendary hero, slimes or goblins the turnbasers would eat this shit up. I think you're all just mad because this game is about getting a job and you feel called out. https://careers.mcdonalds.com/

This was called "El Bruto" in spanish, everyone had their own El Bruto link on their MSN at some point if you grew up during MSN's lifespan...

i think the puzzle with the coin roulette machine gun was a pivotal moment in shaping my childhood