I started liking it ironically at the start, but what is good about the game (it's actually a lot) and the devs' passion for continuously learning from their mistakes and improving the game ended up striking a chord with me. Do pick it up sometime and give it a fair shot, it's only going to get better with time, too.

Character customization is really good, and the modding community is fantastic.
The narrative was better than the last one, but the shotty translation made it a bit difficult to understand what was going on sometimes, even with the bare minimum Japanese skills. Highly recommended.

Broken shit, didn't even function half the time and the other half it wasn't fun.

I wish all of VR was as good as Boneworks, then maybe I wouldn't feel like VR was still a joke

This is the worst game I've ever played.


The protagonist was literally me and it was pretty sick

Really wanted to play this game. Shame they did everything they could to kill it.

Fun until you reach upper levels, at which point it isn't even a beat em up anymore. It's just generic korean MMO rotation spam with 1,000,000,000,000 damage covering the entire screen.

Local man carries the entire series
Jin is a real one

craptawa shitjo is not a real game
made me cry though