It's mario dawg I don't gotta say anything

Not a terrible game, but certainly not good at anything I love the series for. How much of that is Konami's fault or Kojima being tired of working on Metal Gear for 3 games more than he wanted is up for debate, but it is what it is.

Good at establishing atmosphere, I liked Ethan. If I was in the same situation, I'd probably have said fuck that much, too.
Gameplay didn't do much for me. It was a fun haunted house, at least.

Probably saved games from becoming a stagnant industry filled with QTEs and press X to awesome shit. One of my favorites, but I'm fully aware of the flaws with it. I can't play it anymore because I've got like 700 hours in it.

Hated it when I first tried playing it, came back a year later and fell in love with it. Fantastic game, it's basically samurai Punch-Out. One of From's better works. Gives me high hopes for Elden Ring.

It's shit. Overrated shit, only reason this blew up so much is because nobody who actually plays video games played it. Worst thing I've ever bought. I regret playing it.

Dark Souls 1 but Bloodborne
It's not bad but lacks any (good one) soul compared to any other game in the series


I didn't think the best part of a rougelite could be the story. Game is fantastic, easily SuperGiant's best work. Heavy contender for GOTY 2020 at the time. Gameplay loop's finely crafted. There's so much unique dialogue in this game you could probably find a comment or two about what socks you're wearing while you're playing it.


Not as good as P4 Vanilla, for personal story reasons. Aside from those gripes it's basically an improvement over everything from the original. Fantastic game, don't miss out.
As always, ignore the fans on this one.

Very kino, the main thing I'd say it has over 2 is the mystery. It's an unsettling experience, with the dark humor juxtaposed perfectly against the white emptiness of the testing chambers.

What it lacks in everything the style makes up for it a bit. Probably the worst Persona game, severely overrated. I still liked it, though. I think 6'll probably be a massive improvement. Didn't play Royal, lot of my friends say it already fixed a bunch.

this would be possibly the best game ever made if it ran higher than 30 fps

Better than 1. Even with the gameplay as good as it is, the story still hard carries. One of Valve's best.

Very good, everything aside. I hated it for a few years after I played it cause of the community, but went back and still loved it.