9 reviews liked by blinkweeb

Rapture has not finished with you yet. Your little sister has been taken from you and you must track her down with a new ensemble of weapons, plasmids, and enemies to face. BioShock 2 is just as immersive as the first, but with a more rewarding set of mechanics, and an even more twisted narrative.

Bioshock 2 was a pleasant surprise! It may not hit the highs of the first game, but it doesn't hit those low points either. With a solid story and greatly improved Gameplay this is a damn good sequel.

Better than the first Bioshock in my opinion but it crashes so much. If you can ignore the crashes then I think it's a real masterpiece worth playing. Fallout/Borderlands in an underwater abandoned city who can say no to that?

wait what the fuck...bioshock 2 is actually the best bioshock game?

I was mixed on this when I first played it long ago, but now I can see that it's a great game. Gameplay wise, it feels sorta off but not to the point where it's unplayable. Story is good as always, though perhaps not as good as the first. Multiplayer for this back then was wack lmao. A bit of a shame it wasn't in the collection but whatever lol

Zap a man and then bonk him with your wrench. There are other powers and weapons, but zap and bonk is undefeated.

The first 3 quarters of Bioshock are great with an intriguing story, fantastic world and some pretty decent gameplay. But it's really brought down by the final quarter. the game just ceases to be fun, both the story and the gameplay suffer greatly in this portion, in saying that the highs definitely out way the lows!

A masterpiece, redefined immersive sims, need to play this again.

Environmental story telling at it's best. The story is excellent, the gameplay is great, and the city of rapture is beautiful. I will admit, I did get lost every now and then and there were some frustrating moments but overall, lovely experience