was good as a kid, holds up pretty bad and other games are more fun for me personally. also not a fan of a lot of designs in the games :/

never played it for a long time, but recently did and oh my absolutely the best pokemon games looking at it without nostalgia goggles. so good, best music, improves upon the previous gen 5 games in every way

really fun combat and one of the best osts for sure. just looks a lil dated at points, but holds up incredibly well 10 years later

one of the best combat systems and gameplay loops in any game ive ever played, shits so satisfying

gets too much hate imo. i liked it, cant really pinpoint why, i guess im just used to switch having bad graphics. music is some of the best in the series, same for pkmn designs.

my favourite. am blinded by nostalgia.

nostalgic, is good but god damn it is SLOW to play, everything is just slow, great region and designs tho.

is fun but my lord there are some quirky things about it, theres a weird level scaling going on and some of the designs are just hella boring to me. is fun tho and a lot of music is v good

cozy and cute, what more could u ask for really

fun with friends, and lots and lots of potential for fun

spawned a really boring subgenre

awful controls but cool atmosphere

i understand its unique but i just found it to be not fun, and the main character is insanely annoying