armored core ranked

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the best. repayable to no end, an insane amount of part selection, a story filled with intrigue, corruption, and tragedy, the most interesting and cool ravens (besides maybe for answer). incredible game in every way
my favorite action game. everything about it feels extremely fluid to play - when you enter the zone, you feel unstoppable; like a force of nature. one of their best narratives coupled with a great array of parts and the most customization to date with frs tuning, stabilizers, and extra boosters; it's kind of just the best, let's be real.
if you can't tell, i like gen 3 a lot. this will probably be a bizarre pick for many, but i really love nexus; the new controls and artstyle make it a really fresh experience, with some awesome levels, an amazing ending, and a great selection of parts. yeah the heat system sucks and so does the arena but that's kind of it for my issues. just a really amazing game
ac3 but with more parts and better levels
one of the best for newcomers, ac3 felt like the series getting back to its ac1 roots. not much to say here, it's simple and very effective
a difficult placement for me, it's really cool and unique but i barely feel like i've scratched the surface here.
everything i said for V goes threefold here, also it's fucking hard as balls
the one that started it all. got a shocking amount of things right for the first go-around. it's a pure, undistilled armored core experience.
ac2 with better missions. would like this more if it had an arena
feels more like a half step towards 3rd gen than anything. probably the gen i care about the least (besides 6 lol)
for answer but worse. whatever
it's fine. ac1 is better but it gets points for having an arena and stinger.
the more i think about 6 the less i like it. so many concessions and changes makes the game feel so divorced from the rest of the series, resulting in a hodgepodge much more reminiscent of elden ring than, like, for answer. so many of these changes, too, result in a bizarrely worse experience; removal of turn speed and the camera chief among them. lack of any sort of ranged options due to ricochet, every encounter being played the absolute same way, less parts than the original game (two quads? what are we doing here). i really hope we get a for answer/nexus level rework of the game's core systems in a dlc/sequel or something, but i'm not holding my breath. i do like the characters a lot, but the story is nowhere close to for answer or last raven, either. to sum it up succinctly: this is the first game in the series where i feel like i'm playing as a mech rather than a pilot controlling a mech, and i really, really don't like that

edit: i'm comfortable calling this game bad now lol it has nothing that i actually like about this series in it. actually the worst game of all time


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