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Bosses suck, gameplay is a bitch half the time, sonic is aggravating and broken, blaze is so easy she's overpowered.
Music and visuals carry so hard, the new mechanics introduced are addicting. I love building up boost/rush energy, I love tricks and the unique additions to each level.
Everyones said it but too many bottomless pits and things poorly telegraphed leading to deaths from lack of vision. Had fun. Sonic took a few days blaze I beat in one sitting. Will probably never replay when the goat Rush Adventure exists.
The final boss of each story sucks except last zone. Ending rocks!

Amazing game.
The obvious is the aesthetics and soundtrack making a cohesive and immersive game. The spritework and art style is just phenomenal. Everything touches the comfort and vague memories from being younger. I never even touched this game I never would have beat it as a kid. Some puzzles are poorly designed, and the combat is difficult while dropping loads of information in such a short time. The games pacing leads to mechanics having little use time and the pacing is the one flaw. The ending was rushed and I don't enjoy being forced to replay and find secret files for story expansion. I wish they were there in the first run through. But the combat is top 5 combat systems in a game for me, it's addicting and I wanted to grind and change up moves. I never do this in rpgs. Story was amazing. Everything cancels out the flaws. would replay in the future.

This game will capture you. It will hold you hostage, it will make you anxious, you will be forced into thought, and you will fear.
Equatable to life, mileage will vary, and none of us know what happens at the end.

Biased, very relatable game, but short. Visuals are cool for the concept but make me less likely to pay attention or replay, amazing and creative cut and ending. The 2nd game plays on this ending with its opening and I'm conflicted what is better, this ed, or that op.
Love this series dearly, its 15 minutes, play it.

You would have more engaging gameplay clicking along to a metronome or checking your notifications

Nice and short like a subway footlong
Its so cute and joyous I wanna sing a song
Toad toad toad hes a captain and exploring
Getting collectibles, and getting laid.

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Its hard to acknowledge this games flaws and still express my love for it. The music, sound design, and combat all rock. I don't love exploration in some areas and the extremely slow drip feed of combat feels worse than thousand year door and super paper mario. The world exploration is awesome and I think the areas rock, its just zooming in on and exploring those areas that brings up issues. I did not enjoy the dry dry desert.

Worth the wait, great game. Still my least favorite Pikmin game. Good variety and content amount.

If I ever mark my words I'll come delete this but I truly don't think there will ever be a better story in gaming. I finish this with these thoughts every time, and then I read perfect works and that's further cemented. I know including a book in judgement of a game is unfair but I don't care

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