So this is the first game with IW 3.0 game engine and this game engine is my favorite out of all the game engines they used for the cod games. The game movement in this game just feels so perfect. This isn't the first World War 2 game they made for the Cod series but it's definitely the best one. I played all of them and story wise and gameplay wise with the WW2 setting it's amazing. One of the weapons you get use to often is the flamethrower and it's just absolutely a blast. With this game compared to the other WW2 Cod games the levels generally looked actually different and played different. With other WW2 Cod games all the levels were generally the same looks wise and gameplay wise but World At War was just so much better. Especially with the environment for example with the flame thrower you could flame trees. I do wish this game a little more missions because I did finish it fairly quick but I guess the Campaigns for the Cod series aren't the selling point. Overall this game is just amazing, there isn't much or any flaws in it. I would highly recommend playing it.

First I would recommend playing this on the easiest difficulty available as I believe this is best way to enjoy the game. You do get flanked a lot in this game and with higher difficulty you get shot at more quickly and it takes fewer shots to die, getting flanked can get really annoying so like I said I would recommend playing this game on the easiest difficulty. This game has aim assist (enabled by default) and this game makes it so much enjoyable infact you don't need to aim down your sights to kill enemies I actually found this to be easier and enjoyable. Also with the aiming down sights I didn't really enjoy it as the sensitivity was too slow and sometimes it felt like the bullets were whizzing past the enemies even though I'm sure the crosshair was on them.

Average time to complete a mission took me around 8 minutes. There was one mission that I didn't really like, it was one of the American Campaigns and it's a mission where you're on a plane and you have to gun three different gunners and protect the plane This mission goes on for at least 10 minutes, I didn't really like this mission because was repetitve. There are three different sections of the game you go through, the first is the America which has 7 missions, the next is the Canada which has 4 missions, and last is Great Britain which only has 3 missions. The Canada and Great Britain were the missions I enjoyed the most, the American missions were all repetitive.

Controls: I didn't really like how the switch weapon and the pick up weapon are on the same button, this can be annoying when you're simply just trying to switch to your weapon and you end up picking a weapon you don't want to use. I do understand the game developers were limited to the button layout. Speaking about weapons for some reason the spawn rate of them is small, there were times were I've run out of the ammo and I'm looking for a weapon but the enemies aren't dropping their own and there isn't many weapon spawns around the missions. One thing that did bother me was when you're reloading and you crouch, prone, or stand up the reload animation cancels so when reloading you would have to stay in a crouch, standing, prone position. The amount of times where I was trying to reload and have some cover by crouching and the animation just stops.

Overall this game is generally like every other CoD, it's definitely one of the best portable.

Completed this game 100% including steam achievements.

This game is completely different compared to all the other LEGO games TT has released ,something fresh to the LEGO series. This is the biggest LEGO game to date so this game took awhile to complete 100% for me in total it took me 69 hours to complete this game. Most of your time completing the game will be spent collecting all the collectibles. Most of the collectibles you have to collect are from the worlds around the galaxy, there also the levels which don't have many but you're required to do some challenges, collect minikits and reach true Jedi which is acquired from collecting a certain amount of studs. The only problem I had with the levels is the challenges which In my opinion were really unnecessary and quite unfun. Some of the challenges were just so annoying and sometimes didn't work so I would have to rerun the level multiple times but in general most of the challenges were quite easy. Collecting all the other collectibles (galaxy) was mostly easy you, most of the time you were exploring worlds looking for kyber bricks, you would have to climb, do puzzles, do quests for characters, shoot targets, etc. Obtaining A lot of these of these kyber bricks were fairly the same but sometimes they would get a bit creative and those were quite fun. Some of these kyber bricks were way too easy to obtain, the specific ones I'm talking about is in some worlds space (galaxy space) all you had to do is shoot a comet and it would give you 5 kyber bricks, this was a bit disappointing for me since I really liked the space parts of this game they nailed the space controls it's felt exactly like I was playing the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) but there wasn't that much to do in space except do some races, transport items for characters, shoot targets, and capture capital ships. That sounds like a decent amount for space but it really wasn't most of the space areas for worlds had like 2-4 tasks sometimes just one which was destroying the comet. Besides collecting kyber bricks you had to collect data cards, these were fairly easy all you had to do is do some parkour. I was a bit disappointed with the data cards, the data cards are the replacement for Red Bricks (from other TT Games) with the data cards you can buy extras and cheats you weren't able to buy much, there were only two useful things (cheats) you could buy with it, x2,x4,x6,x8 stud multipliers and Universal Translator other than that all the other options were just extras and they weren't really that great in my opinion. The Universal Translator one was really quite useful it really saved a lot of time since I didn't have to use a translator droid to translate what characters are saying into my respective language. Compared to other TT games with the Red Bricks there were a lot more useful cheats, a few the most common cheats they had were turned into abilities that you can buy for your characters with kyber bricks this was a nice new system but this game still lacked cheats that I enjoyed in other TT games in this game. Other tasks you had to collect were characters and this one was a bit repetitive because all the time you had to go to a different planet and this would generally get quite annoying sometimes you would have to go to multiple planets which is fine if the tasks themselves were fun but they really weren't because most of the time you just had to collect an item and just return to the character who gave you that mission. That's pretty much it for collectibles, just quite a lot which I enjoy much. While I was redoing the levels for the collectibles I noticed that the levels themselves are actually quite short most of them can be completed in a minute or two and there isn't much levels maybe about 45 in total so 5 levels per episode which is actually fewer than compared to other TT games they would have 6 levels per episode, of course those other games didn't have that much episodes in them but compared to the other levels in other games this game's levels are pretty short. Really didn't have much problems which the levels besides when redoing them when you're forced to face a boss it's quite annoying that the game has you locked onto the boss no matter the character you are which is so frustrating when you're to collect minikits but fortunately this doesn't happen too often. Another than that I didn't have much problem with the levels most of them were quite creative and do follow the Star Wars story quite well. This game introduces a new combat system which is entirely different from we are used to. The shooting system in this game is much better definitely more modern. It's nice to be able to aim yourself. Compared to older lego games where when shooting the game will try shoot your bullets towards enemies and when you wanted to aim in a certain spot you would have to stop your character but in this game you can run, shoot and aim. The lightsaber combat is also quite different. In this game you're actually able to clash sabers with your enemies which gives you this nice combat button interaction though it can be quite bit annoying when you're trying to speed through a level and you're forced to fight a boss. Not much to complain about the new combat system I welcome it fully. With the introduction of new characters a lot more new character gimmicks were added to the game such as you're able to climb walls with a lightsaber, you can destroy a certain wall with a lightsaber, C3-PO is able to break down into two different parts his legs and his torso which is needed throughout the game both story and free roam. There are a lot new gimmicks most of them are quite enjoyable, with the droids and heros there are computers you need to access and bypass to get in certain areas and in order to bypass it you need to do these little puzzles/minigames which are kinda nice but of course these can be bypass (they're bypass by simply paying a small stud fee which the game does the puzzle/minigame for you) after you buy a certain ability from the character tree chart. I've written a lot because there's a lot to talk about this game but I 'm getting a bit tired of writing about this game so I will stop. Overall this game was really enjoyable introduces a lot new stuff for the LEGO franchise and I'm forward for new LEGO games that will be similar to this game.

First game to the Arkham series and I'm completely hooked. This game was quite enjoyable but it was a bit short for me took me about 7 hours to complete (story only). There isn't much to do after you complete the story except for collecting riddle clues and some challenges. The combat system in this up is simply a beat-up game it's quite simple but that what makes it so great. There isn't much button combos in this game but I actually quite enjoy that. The fighting movement in this game is great, it's nice being able to avoid an enemy by simply pressing the jump button. The gadgets in this game are awesome and easy to use. I don't really much negatives about this game, the only thing I had issue is with the enemies with rifles were quite frustrating to go against the enemies had strong aimbot. Overall a enjoyable game definitely love the voice acting in this game. Would recommend this game.

This is better to play with modifications, the vanilla version lacks a lot of features that most other GTA's have but this is excusable because this is the first 3D GTA they made. This is a really short GTA game probably the shortest, I was able to finish this game under a day maybe around 6 hours of gameplay maybe less. I did skip some parts of the story because I kept doing the missions that would lead to the end the fastest (this wasn't intentional). I didn't really have much issues while playing this game except for the lack of features such as when driving you aren't able to free look your camera is fixed which is extremely frustrating when playing a mission that has you driving. You aren't able to look at the map anytime. Finding ammo nation locations and health locations were difficult because they aren't labeled on the mini map or on the map itself. I had to look up a map of GTA 3 and memorized the locations. The shooting controls in this game are actually quite terrible I never had so much trouble trying to kill some enemies in a GTA game fortunately this is the only GTA game with terrible shooting controls. In general this is a pretty solid GTA game.

I used to play a lot of Cod4 CodJumper and Deathrun and this game definitely is the closet to it but I've a few issues with it. The bounces in this game are blocks instead of slated surfaces we see in Cod4 and hitting the blocks in this game can't be a pain in the ass especially with two levels I've been struggling with. The final level for the classic and other level were you're supposed to crouch jump through a window the bounces in this game don't seem to bounce you high enough some bounces you just struggle for such a long time to the point the level just doesn't become enjoyable. There was a movement mechanic they added from the newer Cods which was sliding and I really didn't like this especially when I was simply trying to crouch jump I kept on sliding but thankfully you're able to disable in the settings even though I would rather this not be a feature. Unfortunately there is not multiplayer for this game which is extremely disappointing because I was hoping to test out the weapons especially the Sniper on real Players. Another thing I had an issue with is I wasn't able to restart the level by pressing a key, I remember in the playtest you were able to press a key and the level would immediately restart but it's not present in the live build which is really annoying for me because I don't really like pressing the esc menu and moving my mouse just to restart the level when I can just press a key instead. The one thing I did really liked in this game was The saving point system in this game is similar to CodJumpers which I really do appreciate because that is the one I'm most familiar with.

This game was absolutely an improvement from the first installment. This time I was able to complete the game 100% without any game breaking bugs. In fact I didn't encounter much bugs while playing this game while the first installment was just full of bugs. This game had a lot more gimmicks compared to the first one, most of them were fun but the one i was really annoyed about was Aguamenti. Main reason why I hated this spell was because it was bugged at times. There was a point I was afraid I wouldn't be able to 100% because of this spell while getting one of the collectibles the water meter wasn't going up. Other than that I didn't really have any other complaints about this game. Overall this game was more enjoyable than the first LEGO Harry Potter game.

Unfortunately I'm unable to complete this game 100% because this game has a few game breaking bugs that prevent me.

After playing through the campaign, I wasn't really satisfied with this game whatsoever. It is a Call of Duty Black Ops game but it only felt like aesthetically. Mechanically the game felt awful. The aim assist was extremely janky. Reloading for some reason felt way longer than compared to other titles. Running was inconsistent. Tap firing in this game doesn't work at all nor does holding the fire button. Constantly had issues just trying to shoot the gun. The aim punch in this game was annoying I didn't expect a handheld COD game to have so much of it. The Campaign is extremely short. The levels only took about an average of 3 minutes to complete. Most of the levels are generally played the same you enter an area kill enemies move to a different area kill even more enemies and just repeat until the end. It just felt like the game was constantly putting out NPCs. The level designs were awful, the levels were extremely tiny and compact it was actually quite easy to get killed and even though you have much cover the NPCs would just rush towards you. It generally felt like you have to push through these levels fast. One thing I did like about this game that I don't think any other Call Of Duty game has is that the fact in the campaign you get XP for killing NPCs which I think it's convenient because the XP notification lets me know I killed an NPC.

This review contains spoilers

The only issue I had about this game was the story. Specifically, Penelope's betrayal just doesn't fit. We were just given a simple explanation for her betrayal. It was honestly quite stupid. This betrayal would've made more sense if she was being controlled or something. And for the rest of the story it was just all forgettable.

Generally liked this game's combat system was extremely enjoyable and easy. This game also got the Gummi ship system great. Overall this game was quite easy compared to the other two main title releases. I did have some issues such as the quality of the cutscenes in some cases were so great but in general I enjoyed watching them.
- Completed Entire Main Story and Unlocked the Ultima Weapon for the First time.

It's crazy to think this game was originally made for the Nintendo 3DS. One of the best kingdom hearts game I've ever played and has the best movement out of all of the kingdom hearts games.