clunky, repetitive gameplay as one would expect from a 2007 release for children. gives bad dog training advice. But the puppies....cute as fuck

i remember liking this! fairly short and sweet, nothing super standout but a fun way to spend an afternooon

fascinating time capsule of the barren wasteland that was 2014 aaa titles. not the most soulless open world for the sake of piling on content ive ever touched, but an ill omen of what was to come. pretty much everything i love the dragon age series for is smallest and saddest in this one. a bunch of cool worldbuilding has been backpedaled or ignored in favor creating god's perfect centrist game. all of the companions are coworkers who barely tolerate eachother. unfortunately this was my introduction to the series so i do still love it very deeply but i consider myself happily divorced these days

OKAY you know what probably not a very good vr game but it is one of the few ive played. for some reason i was way better at it than all my friends so i at least appreciate it for the ego boost

unbeatable gameplay loop when you are 8 years old. endless fun

very straightforward but soothing experience

this game is okay! the main interactive mechanic of the AR videos of the crew is a pretty neat concept and serviceably engaging, though i feel like they could have gotten a little funkier with it. the plot is solid, if a bit straightforward and heavy-handed for my taste. the characterization of the crew members is the strongest part of the game and the most obvious throughline from gone home. mostly successful in feeding you info while still feeling like organic exploration. sareh and ODIN's dynamic was my favorite, and their scene together in botany felt particularly standout. overall though, for whatever reason it didn't really emotionally resonate with me, so i think the whole thing fell a little flat.

feel like its really hard to say anything about this game that hasn't been said. what fun!

is there anything better than this. farming

this game is alright! a fun jaunt!


the tension when you have a good thing going in the corner but your only move is to swipe so the corner is exposed...and a 2 spawns there right away....devastating

shout outs to every classmate i watched play this during class in high school that prompted me to also play this during class

my sister and i would race on coconut mall almost exclusively and it is so burned into my brain i still dream about it sometimes