It's actually a pretty solid game, the movement is very fluid, and the combat is actually pretty fun... however... the game is 20 minutes long, and i REALLY HOPE, there will be more of it in the future, because i got really invested, and then out of the sudden, it ended...

Okay, this game definitely has MANY FLAWS, but since i've spent a couple thousand hours into it, i can say that it is, EVEN WITH A TON OF BAD THINGS IN IT, a fun game nonetheless, the artifact system sucks, gacha will always be a bad thing (kinda), but the story is well made, the gameplay system is new and fun, the exploration is actually very fun, the music are masterpieces, there a many bad things about this game i understand, but there are also many good things about it, and people seem to ignore that.
Anyways keqing is pretty, so the game is great. Definetly recommend if you can restrain your own wallet.

Honestly, very refreshing seeing a gacha with "original" gameplay

You will never be forgotten...

This is definetly the game that started my gacha gamer brain to function, i play this since launch pretty much, and i'm still playing it, and i don't plan on stopping either, i'm honestly proud of seeing mihoyo grow so much after so many years, of course, gacha is bad, it's gambling, this and that, bla bla bla, yeah i know, but it's still a great and fun game, and honestly, i don't regret playing it a single bit

Great game, great hitboxes, great graphics, great musics, great character designs, pretty much a perfect fighting game i think... but i'm bad at the game so...................

I MIGHT unironically finish this game

did not expect for this game to actually be good.

breasts, tiddies even, boobies if you will

Just as, if not even better than the first game, there is no game out there that can compare to this masterpiece

i like the eldritch terror one, she's funny

This game is kinda crazy, in many senses, who had the idea of making a snake game bullet hell?? And how did they make it work so well?????
and the music too???????? Crazy game, recommend

Vampire survivors but based

Honestly, i miss playing the old one, still remember going into my uncle's house just to play this on his notebook, probably one of the best times of my life, and now... this is a thing...