even though I've only played a few hours of this game, I really love it and the idea of it. yes, it deffiantly doesn't look the greatest and the graphics look cheap and sometimes unfinished. yet you could tell the studio had passion for this game and worked with what they could!

would love to see this game made today with a decent budget, as it's one of the very few unique fantasy rpg games out there! very charming and cute!

I know many people hate on the western silent hill games but this one is amazing. a great experience with neat gameplay mechanics and ideas scattered throughout!

it's a very solid game and a good horror title! also in my opinion it's best played on the wii for full effect of it's ideas and mechanics!

would be so much better if Joseph was in it. I yearn for the day he and Sebastian can be gay together again. </3

had an absolute blast playing this with my dad! we both love this game dearly as we journeyed through it together each step of the way, teaching each other techniques, and discovering all the secrets by sharing what we found on our playthroughs!
honestly a great game! and probably my fave fromsoftware title!!


got this game for free at a local game shop, the guy said it was a fun game to play drunk and have a laugh at at. played it while wasted one night and it was a blast! while sober though it's a tough play.

is kinda fun to play with a friend! yet with the lack of a good story, the constant long loading screens, and crashes caused by the simplest things. don't make it worth playing. plus they did my boy Rhys dirty with the bad writing and that ugly mustache :/

doesn't deserve the hate it gets, as it has some good content within it! the side quest were fun to solve and playthrough and the free roaming was done well and not too overwhelming.
the combat is rough and reminds me of Homecoming, so very stiff as well as forced. the story is kinda okay but nothing to truly write home about, and does feel rushed by the end. other then that though it is a great game! and definitely worth a play! for sure an overlooked gem!

was a great horror experience! just the right length and wasn't overly complicated, linear, or too in your face with jumpscares (though there are quite a few of them, but in my opinion they were spaced out evenly enough!). the chase scenes were fun, though some are a little confusing and might need some retries lol but overall a great scare and fun play!

bought this on a whim, and thought it might be fun. turns out that the game is just unfair and too difficult for no reason.
this was the only hunting game I ever played but it wasn't a great one to start with as I know there's better ones out there.
will most likely not play this again or finish it.

grew up playing the GBA castlevania games, and this was like a dream port for me. very nice port of 3 great games!


one of my fave childhood games, but god there's too much racing for me lol.
seriously though I love this game and genuinely had fun playing it! yet I'm not one for racing so it loses a few points for that for me personally, though racing fans will have a blast with this game!

one of the few games that genuinely scare me, still to this day can't finish this game due to my fear of it. so I watched my father play it lol. more than a great entry for the Resident Evil series, despite the change of gameplay!
(ah I just love Ethan Winters so much.)