I wanted to love this game so badly because I had heard so many great things about it, I tried really hard to attach to the characters but I was just left with "wow that was a pretty above par story"

There are only so many times you can make something crash before it gets boring

Never really stuck to me tbh, but its still fun

Absolute blast with friends but there is a low replay value because of the completely set power bar and abundance of reference points to get holes in one

Overrated and buggy as fuck, but this was the first game i played when I got an xbox 360 so it has some nostalgia

Used to play this on my mom's shitty office computer but its too damn p2w

Was fun-ish on release but really boring afterwards. No longer much appeal

One of the most fun coop games to date, valve really hit the nail on the head with this one

Sick graphics, cannot wait for this game to get finished

The 5th has far more charm and online servers are buggy but its still a super fun game

Insanely good story, I loved every bit

Movement makes it alright, unfortunately the fun ended there for me