To this day, Jaehee's route is still the most romantic route I've ever played in an otome game. I was absolutely giggling like an idiot the entire time I was replaying her route.

Life is about the small moments, like answering deranged questions from a talking Pumpkin.

this game made me a neptune hater.

edit: beat her so i am no longer a neptune hater. i am now a hater of mirror me.

Unironically better than the first game, I don't give a fuck. Goro also doesn't exist in this game which adds to my good opinion of it.

Haru has more narrative focus here than in Persona 5. There you go.


This game's story was not for me but that doesn't take away from every detail being masterfully crafted. There's always something new to see and the experience of gaming plays out like you're watching a movie. Character designs are fun and poppy as well as a crowd-pleasing spin on mythological figures we all know we'll (but with enough obscure deities to feel like a new experience) and the voice acting in this game is phenomenal. Also Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos for life.


Wish the gameplay was a little less clunky. Ugh. I loved all the details though! The replay value is amazing, I loved selecting all the different options in the exam and getting surprised by characters at the part-time job made me go 🫣🫣. I thought the tonal difference between the MC and the characters was hilarious (in a bad way but I don't mind). They would be talking about something super dark and traumatizing and MC would be like... wow that's crazy!! Lmao.

me when i learned that this game takes place in a high school: oh no they have the excuse to be horny about high school girl deaths
me after playing the game: (゜ロ゜)

How should I put this? It's a gacha game masquerading as a rhythm game but it is a very good rhythm game. The songs are good, the gameplay is good, everything is customizable to the level that's best for you. But I can't shake the annoyance that comes with this game being a card collector game in actuality and not even a particularly nice or kind one at that. Gacha is known for being cruel but Ensemble Stars deserves its reputation as being one of the most cruel ones in existence right now.

Story is alright. The characters are likable and there's someone for everyone. The actual plot has some "what the hell is going on" moments that are entertaining but if you've seen any media about the struggles of being an idol and wanting to change the industry, you won't be surprised by anything in Ensemble Stars.

The OST and visual design hard-carry this game.

Honestly, Danganronpa is a series that does a lot of fucked up shit for shock value. And i thought DR:AE would be the worst of it but this game actually pissed me off so bad that I didn't touch another game for a month after playing it. The last chapter genuinely ruins everything the game sets up and feels more like a mockery of the fanbase than the cheeky commentary they were going for.

Big fan of Senna's character! I like how she contends with the fact that she comes off as mean without the story acting like it's unreasonable that she'd be annoyed at the protagonist for not taking things seriously. Clearly Cassia does not need a job after graduation and Senna does (lol). I've never done Picross before so I was nervous but the difficulty curve was reasonable and I enjoyed the music and experience of getting better at Picross while playing as a cute anime girl! Even though the Picross is the main focus, there is enough worldbuilding that I am intrigued about the setting.

i absolutely adore this game, love the music, love the themes, love the routes, but i will never ever replay this because the thought of enduring the stat raising system again makes my head spin

Surprisingly quite a bit shorter than other LucyDream games — there's only like fifteen episodes total. I enjoyed it, but it follows the basic LucyDream formula and doesn't offer much else in terms of story, music, or romance. The designs are cute and the MC has this messy tracksuit vibe that I really like.