4 reviews liked by cassirole

it pains me to give this 3 stars cause sometimes i just wanna play a game where i gather things and it is absolutely perfect. but in my heart of hearts................................................ i know it's mid

Mario Kart 8 is Modern Nintendo for better and worse. Incredibly clean, detailed environments, flawless character models, great track designs make it Mario Kart at its best.

It just lacks that charm that Wii, Double Dash and DS had. It feels soulless, but the gameplay makes up for it. Just its missing something the earlier Mario Karts had. Maybe it's the lack of unlockables (even in the Wii U original), or the fact that the Koopalings take a considerable chunk of the character select screen when they're such bland characters.

If you have friends who are good sports about a game of Mario Kart, this is an easy way to waste a few hours.

great game, not great zelda game