VERY tough to win the first time, but once you win once the rest of it is cake

same issue as ghostrunner, very very stylish and very very fun but idk if its story shapes up overall, i was kind of left wanting in that regard. also hello serj

TASTY soundtrack, simple gameplay. will stay updated for future content

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i thought it was nice! the ending SUUUUUCKKKS though. not in that it's not a thematic resolution enough, but i think they shouldn't have given the option to just holo-clothes your way through the final area - this was probably done as a way to give ppl who spec'd into speech stats a way to finish the game, but idk i feel like it could have been done better. also, final boss just kind of sucks? it's just a robot that's roughly as tall as you are. the final boss of the murder on eridanos dlc is better thematically and presentation wise, kind of just blows the final boss of the actual game out of the water. good game overall, just kind of underwhelming at the end

got thru the first half of this game... need to finish the second half


struggle to say "completed" since it's still early access but god damn is this game FUN