i like the gameplay and level design, so it's solidly fun, but the story just feels like kind of a nothing burger? idk

got thru the first half of this game... need to finish the second half

zoe monsterprom help... help me zoe monsterprom... zoe monsterprom save me

chipzel just goes the fuck off in this soundtrack it's not even funny

delightful romp thru a facsimile of Y2K internet - if u dont like doing a lot of reading then this may not be for you since that's a lot of what this game is

TASTY soundtrack, simple gameplay. will stay updated for future content


played this twice, loved it both times. extremely important game

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this game does NOT KNOW HOW TO FUCKING END I SWEAR TO GOD by the time i got to the "true" ending i was so fucking weary

i mean i quite liked it. i thought it was very charming and i am a sucker for time-loop type games

struggle to say "completed" since it's still early access but god damn is this game FUN